Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Yummy Pizza – Good for Diabetics?

People need to know if pizza is good for diabetics. Choosing the food to eat is normal for them as they have a role to play and not depend on medication alone. Diabetes means changes in food intake and lifestyle in order to live healthier and longer.

Pizza is one of the most common foods that are loved and craved by many, even by diabetics. Like any other food however, patients with diabetes should know its nutritional content before incorporating it to their healthier diet.

Nutritional content

A pizza has vegetables and cheese, and these are healthy. However, do not forget that pizza has also crust, which is actually its foundation. Crust is bread; bread is carbohydrates and carbohydrate is sugar. Basically, carbohydrates and its finished product sugar, is good, as it fuels the body for energy. Take note that converting sugar into the body’s energy fuel can have lapses if the person has diabetes. That is why bread should be taken in normal or moderate quantity.

Carbohydrates and pizza crust

Most diabetics are oriented about carbohydrates.There are two type of carbohydrates – simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are processed easily by the body’s digestive system. Though the body can use them as energy faster, they can also accumulate fat storage faster (sugar can be converted to fats), which when not utilized or burned up, can be unhealthy. Complex carbohydrates take time to process, but are used up by the body. Thus, the sugar from complex carbohydrates that are converted to fat cannot be stored in large quantity.

In short, complex carbohydrates are healthier than simple carbohydrates. For diabetics, it is better for them to avoid simple carbohydrates and go for complex instead. Unfortunately, the carbohydrates in crusts of pizza are simple carbohydrates, and they are not good for diabetics.
Simple carbohydrates are contained in pizza dough, and these simple carbohydrates produce sugar that can adversely affect blood sugar which can contribute to diabetes. Furthermore, pizza has tomato sauce, an ingredient that also has sugars. Sugar is something that diabetics have to carefully watch in the first place.

You still can enjoy pizza

Hey! It is not the end of the topic. Diabetes people can eat pizza, even with type 2. Once in a while, you can enjoy few slices of it. Take note, just a few slices though and rarely. Do not eat a whole medium-sized in one setting. All it takes is just discipline and self-control... even with your favourite pizza!

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