Thursday, July 14, 2011

Food Portions: Practice Portion Control for Better Health

For effective diabetes management, be aware of the exact food portions in order to properly practice portion control for better health…even with diabetes.

It is worth it to take time and consider food portions in order to come up not only with better nutrition, but also with portion control. Food is usually dear and near our hearts. We can be passionate about food, but we know that all good things must have limits, including the food we love.

As human beings, we want to find fast and easy ways to get what we want such as a magic diet plan or tablet that can dissolve the fats we take, without making changes on our eating habits. We think that a low-fat bite-size food can be taken in more quantities because they contain low fat. Wrong! Amount of portion matters. A low-fat food shall become more fat if taken in more quantities. That is why, considering food portions is important to apply portion control.


One serving of carbohydrate is 15 grams of carbohydrates. Four carbohydrates servings is equivalent to 1,500 calorie diet. One cup of rice or pasta is equal to 45 grams of carbohydrates. It is important to know the carbohydrate or calorie content of food so as to know how much is already taken. As a rule of thumb, the fist of an average man is equal to 1 and 2/3 cup of portion size; while an average woman’s fist is equivalent to 1 cup portion size.

Patients with diabetes should develop the skills of knowing portion sizes and taking control in order to better control blood sugars. Food portion size awareness is a good skill to balance diabetes management through portion control. Two servings of carbohydrates is 15 grams of carbohydrates, 3 servings is 30, 4 servings is 45 and so on. Start digging out your measuring cups and food scales to determine portion sizing.

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