Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vegetarian Diet and Diabetes

Vegetarian diet can cure diabetes? Well, vegetables – known as the ever-healthy food recommended by many; friend of those who even have illnesses. For diabetes, why not have a vegetarian diet once and for all? In the first place, vegetables have all the nutrients and vitamins that the body needs, which cannot affect any illness there is.

Adapting a vegetarian diet cannot cure diabetes; but it definitely can help diabetics control their weight , reduce the risk of complications and can lead to the body’s response to insulin.

Types of vegetarians and their diet

There is no such thing as a single vegetarian eating diet. However, vegetarians usually fall into the following three categories – vegans, lacto-vegetarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians.
Vegans are vegetarians who only eat foods that are plant-based. They do not eat foods from animals like meat, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs and even milk. Lacto-vegetarians are those vegetarians that eat plant-based foods, plus milk and milk products. They however do not eat meat, eggs, poultry and fish.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians are those who eat plant-based foods, milk and milk products plus eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not include fish, red meat and poultry in their diet.

Vegetarian diet

A vegetarian diet brings in benefits to those with diabetes depending on the food choices included on it. Generally, it promotes healthy weight (since they are low in calories), lowers body mass index (BMI), keeps blood sugar at safe levels, increases the body’s insulin response and reduces diabetes complications as well as cardiovascular diseases. As we know, cardiovascular problems can be one of the deadly diabetes complications.

If you are planning to switch on vegetarian diet, you are on the right track. To make your eating adjustments easier, you may also consult your dietitian. Though a vegetarian diet cannot cure diabetes, it is very helpful in staying healthy amidst diabetes.
A vegetarian diet? By all means, go ahead!

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