Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Body Weight and Pregnancy Weight Gain

With so many people more conscious on their body weights these days, health itself is sometimes missed out. However, weight and health matter most during pregnancy…and pregnancy weight is regarded differently.

Depending on how your doctor requires you with regards to your body weight, pregnant women are usually advised to be conscious of pregnancy weight gain for the safety of themselves and for their babies. The more babies you carry, the more body weight you need. The minimum advisable weight to gain is 11 pounds for obese women, average of 25-35 pounds on underweight women or 10-15 pounds more. This clearly depends on the woman and her weight.

Gaining weight is important because a new person is growing inside you. The food you eat, your health and activities do affect the health and condition of your baby. So, pregnant women should not only think of herself, but think of the welfare her baby as well.

Body weight or pregnancy weight gain is imminent, and the growth and development of your baby depends on it. However, having someone inside you does not give you a license to double your meal or food. Still remember the healthy lifestyle to control weight gain, support the health of your baby and ensure to get rid of the extra pounds after delivery.

Mostly, pregnant women gain about 4 pounds on the first trimester, and a pound a week during the last two trimesters. If you think your weight gain becomes more, check if you have changed your eating habits. The practitioner can use your weight gain to determine
the baby’s growth, his health or if there might be problems.

For healthier body weight or pregnancy weight gain, promise yourself to take healthy foods, that is, full of vitamins and minerals. Reach for fresh fruit instead of candy during snack time. Snack foods are full of fat and sugar and is not so healthy. You may add cheese to your crackers. After all, your food shall nourish not only you, but your baby as well.

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