Thursday, July 14, 2011

Increasing Insulin Production for Diabetes Management

Specifically for type 1 diabetes where insulin is deficient, to increase insulin production is vital in order to have better health and diabetes management.

For type 1 diabetes, increasing insulin production in the pancreas is the key to diabetes management or to heal the illness. While for type 2 diabetics, reducing insulin resistance or making the body respond to insulin is a way to solve the diabetes problem. The good news is there are ways to do these naturally, preferably with diet and exercise.
Diabetes has become one of the main causes of death in the United States. People begin to take it seriously. Many have been educating themselves with diabetes for good reasons and internet blogs about diabetes are often visited.

Red cherries and other foods for diabetes management

Unfortunately, there are few foods that can help increase production of insulin. One of these are red cherries. Red cherries contain anthocyanin, a chemical that can increase insulin production by about 50 percent, thus helping in diabetes management. However, with sugar content in cherries, eating a lot of them does not expedite decrease of blood sugar. A cherry extract can be enough.

Also take foods with fiber, Alpha-Lipoic Acid ( ALA especially found in flaxseeds), citrus peel extract and cinnamon. They can also help support management of insulin. Remember though that eating these foods alone may not be enough. Squeeze in physical activities such as exercise to pair with your healthy diet for your insulin to be more manageable, and give you more healthy years.

Living with diabetes can be normal and fine as long as you take the responsibility of finding ways to increase insulin production for good diabetes management. It is worth the try as you age gracefully. Insulin production is a thing that medical science is still finding ways to understand more. Thus, just do your part and live a healthy life with safe lifestyle and diet.

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