Thursday, July 14, 2011

Exercise to Burn Fats

Exercise to burn fats is one of the major reasons why people exercise in the first place. Fats are intended to be burned or their stay in the body can threat one’s health.

Exercise in order for the body to burn fats. As we know, it is not good for fats to remain in the body. They need to be burned or consumed through exercise.
Eating has been proven as something that can affect changes to the blood immediately. That is why blood tests are conducted right after eating or with fasting because of the changes food intake cause to the blood. Food can even have fast effect on the blood of people who have heart conditions.

Exercise after eating

As to eating fats, you can simply make up with your body by doing some moderate or light exercise after eating to avoid the harm it can bring your body to. Walking after taking a high-fat food is highly-recommended. In fact, exercise after eating especially to burn fats can make someone live longer. Exercise after a high-fat meal can reverse the damage fatty foods can do to arteries, according to a study in Europe.

Taking a high-fat meal can make the arteries of a healthy person look like he has a heart disease. After exercising, the arteries become healthy and normal again. Researchers say that we just basically need a 45-minute relaxing walk after eating and that is already enough. It can even minimize your death risk to about 19 percent. Light to moderate exercise maintains healthy blood sugar levels and helps prevent resistance to insulin.

Important notes

If you do cardio workouts or exercise to burn fats and lose weigh in fat, you may wait for at least an hour to eat after the workout. This allows your body to burn the glycogen in your muscles. This is the reason why some people do cardio in the morning before eating anything to popup blood sugar.

If you are on weight workouts, then you should eat beforehand to have blood sugar that fuels your muscle to do lifting of heavy weights.

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