Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life’s Color with Diabetes Blues

Diabetes, though already widespread all over is a manageable illness. People with diabetes have learned to live with it everyday with proper management and self-care. However, it is part of life’s color when the diabetic feels depressed and wish they can just rid of a lot of blood sugar testing, diet monitoring and insulin works. They sometimes obtain diabetes blues.

Blues is depression

The ups and downs of everyday life is part of everyday life’s colors. Diabetes blues can come out at times when patients with diabetes start to complain on their own routines and wish they have normal people’s lives…when eating carbohydrates need not to be thought twice and that exercise is not that needed.

Diabetes is not the worst thing to have but sometimes with life’s daily pressures and challenges, it can make the patient depressed and angry. He wishes he does not have it at all. He is angry why he has the diabetes burden in the first place.

It is normal to become moody at times, especially when living with a chronic illness. Type 1 diabetes has no cure and it is with the patient always as adding spice to life’s colors. Though visits to the doctor can uplift a patient, the thought that diabetes is to stay forever is already a depressing situation, which can result to diabetes blues.

Color life with the blues

Bouncing back from diabetic blues is a challenge. However, think about the people who have overcome the disease, about the people who value your life and the people whom you love. They wish to see you healthy and doing well. It is not just a personal responsibility but to keep healthy is your obligation to your family and loved ones.

It is not easy to find a light moment, nor a funny thing with weight management, sensing life’s colors in watching diet, blood testing, glucose monitoring, dental care, foot care and the long list of diabetes management. These can really bring in the diabetes blues.

Some diabetics seek other people’s company if they know the blues are striking. Or they start counting their blessings, read uplifting books, watch inspiring movies, The fact that they are alive and have a chance to act normally are already something to be very grateful for.

Diabetes as a bigger picture is just part of life’s challenges. However, having diabetes is not the end of life, nor the end of the world. Diabetics can wish they can be just happy. While they think they are not happy at all because of diabetes, it is a fact that even people with no diabetes can also be unhappy. Life’s colors give joy to anyone. Diabetes blues is just one situation that can make us value each moment of life more. Happiness is something that is decided by the person himself. You can decide to be happy – either you are diabetic or not.

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