Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ignoring Diabetes Symptoms can Lead to Dangerous Complications

A lot of people like ignoring diabetes symptoms and signs their bodies give them. This cause them to realize that it can result to dangerous complications that can even cause death.

Ignoring diabetes symptoms is dangerous. Before acting on the symptoms, you you’re yourself to dangerous complications. Many do not to realize they already have diabetes. These people are illusive and think that unless severe symptoms come out, they will not be alarmed. However, like any disease, diabetes when detected and addressed earlier, is far better than ignoring it in its early stages.

Frequent urination

A very common early symptom is frequent urination. When the blood has much sugar in it, the kidneys have to work harder to flush it away. Frequent urination also draws fluids from the cells, making the person feel excessive thirst, starve him for energy and make him feel lethargic and tired. Likewise, the exhaustion can also result to loss of appetite and weakness.

Ignoring diabetes symptoms like frequent urination can cost you your health and lead you to scary dangerous complications. With frequent urination, weight gain can happen and fatty issues increase. The body becomes more unable to use insulin. Most common in type 1 diabetes, is the weight fluctuation.

Vision problems

With fluids pulled out from the tissues and cells due to frequent urination, the eye lenses can also be affected, particularly the back part or cornea. The blood vessels in the back portion of the eyes can be damaged, to which the body will attempt to grow new ones and blurred vision will happen. This is one of the diabetes symptoms that can lead to blindness.

High blood sugar

Never ignore diabetes and you will find yourself regret when dangerous complications come your way. Also, a high blood sugar causes a lot of terrible things to the body. It can destroy the body’s ability to heal itself so that cuts or sores healing shall be slower and infection is imminent. Another diabetes symptom is the feeling tingling in feet and hands. In the mouth, it causes sores, swollen gums. If this is the case, people should consult a doctor right away and not ignore these diabetes symptoms before it’s too late.

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