Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Travelling with Diabetes? No Big Deal

Planning to travel? Patients with diabetes are not hindered with the illness. Travelling is as easy as with other people. There should just be some required little planning to do in order to handle themselves.

Planning and preparation

Travelling is an exciting thing. Diabetes management and preparation is just the key. Where to go and how long should you be traveling matter. Plan for example for what to bring and plan ahead on what to eat.

Involve your doctor with your travel plan, have a medical exam, get immunization shots if needed and leave sometime for diabetes control before you leave. It is good to get some papers from your doctor, say a prescription covering insulin shots or pills and a letter listing syringes, insulin, medications, devices or allergies you have.

Important items to bring

Whether you travel by plane, boat, bike, foot or car, these items should be with you: blood and urine testing supplies, glucose meters, insulin, syringes, medications, antibiotics, anti-nausea drugs, ID, diabetes identity card and snack items. This is part of good a good travel plan with diabetes.

Insulin and other supplies need not be refrigerated but they should not be exposed to hot and cold temperature as these will lose their strength.

Travelling by plane

If you are traveling by plane, you may request for a special meal that is low in cholesterol, fat or sugar. Better to make the request at least 2 days before the flight. The snacks you bring though are much needed for delayed serving of food during travel and for you to avoid getting an empty stomach.

If you need to inject insulin, it is recommended by travelers to patients with diabetes to be careful not to inject air into the insulin bottle since pressure differences in a pressurized cabin because it can cause the plunger to fight you and it shall be difficult for you to accurately measure insulin.

Go wherever you wish to go. While you are bringing your diabetes with you, bring along more self-care too.

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