Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Diabetes Myths and Facts

Spreading around are some myths and wrong information about diabetes that are not accurate. Myths and facts which are contradictory and these just confuse a lot of people making it difficult for them to believe the real facts. Real facts such as diabetes can become a potentially serious and fatal disease and that it is something that should not be taken for granted.

When the American Diabetes Association researched on the commonly known myths and facts about diabetes, the following top the list:

Eating of sweets can lead to diabetes

Genetics and some unknown factors cause type 1 diabetes, not just eating so much sweets. Type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and some lifestyle factors. However, becoming overweight can increase your risk to having diabetes. Being overweight, can be a result of taking in so much calories, sugar or fat. If diabetes is present in your family, it is best to watch your diet and maintain a healthy weight.

Obesity and overweight eventually lead to diabetes

Many people who are obese or overweight do not develop diabetes. There are also diabetics who have normal weights. Mere obesity causing diabetes falls on diabetes myths and facts. And the fact is, albeit overweight can be a factor for diabetes, it goes with other contributors such as genetics and ethnicity.

Diabetes is contagious

Diabetes is not contagious. We do not exactly know why some people develop the disease but it definitely cannot be obtained from others such as with cold and flu.

Diabetics more likely get colds and other illnesses

This is not true, though it is recommended that diabetics get flu shots. This is because any form of illness can make the existing diabetes hard to control and diabetics who have flu can develop more serious complications than those the non-diabetics.

Diabetics should only eat diabetic foods

Another common item of diabetes myths and facts is that diabetic diet is exclusively for diabetes patients only. The fact though is even if you do not have diabetes, you still can take it. In fact, that would be a good preventive measure. Diabetes health plan is generally healthy and is also for people who have no diabetes. Such health plan has only saturated and trans fat, moderate in sugar and salt and the meals are based on foods that are whole grain, fruits and vegetables.

Diabetics need not avoid starchy foods. Starchy foods such as bread, pasta and potatoes are part of a healthy diet. The point is the portion size should be lesser, like 3 to 4 servings.

Apart from another item in diabetes myths and facts, diabetics can eat sweets, desserts chocolates, and that is a fact. It is highly recommended that these sweets are taken together with a healthy meal plan and exercise.

Diabetes is not a serious disease

It is. In fact, it causes more deaths than AIDS and breast cancer combined. 2 out of 3 diabetics die from stroke or heart disease. It should not be taken for granted.

You are failing in your self-care when your doctor says you should start using insulin

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease. Blood sugar levels can be manageable at an early stage but as it goes along, the body produces less insulin. Having told by doctor to take insulin is to supplement your body of what it lacks. It is not your fault, just one of diabetes myths and facts. The fact is, taking insulin is healthy and not a bad thing.

Fruit is a healthy food. Diabetics can eat fruits as much as they like.

Fruits have lots of vitamins and minerals and should be part of a healthy meal plan. Talk to your dietician on what specific fruits to eat and what their servings should be.

Diabetes complications cannot be prevented

Wrong. Studies show that diabetes complications can definitely be prevented or delayed with self-care, weight management, healthy diet and lifestyle. Many diabetics have lived happy, long lives.

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