Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Diabetes Blood Sugar Control – A Topmost Importance

Why diabetes blood sugar control is so important? It is important to keep the blood sugar levels in control always in order to avoid the complications that can lead to disability and death.

The life of a person with diabetes evolves in blood glucose control and management. Every activity, every habit, medication and diet are geared towards keeping the blood glucose at safety levels. How well a diabetic patient manages his illness can be gauged on the levels of his blood glucose. Likewise, it can give a large impact on his health.

Diabetes has no cure but with proper control and management of the blood glucose levels, cholesterol and blood pressure, it is a very manageable disease. Some changes in lifestyle help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes and those who already have it. Changes like maintaining a healthy food choice, healthy body weight and active lifestyle. Finding a physical activity is also best because it makes your heart pump like walking, exercising, gardening or yard work.

Following a diabetes meal plan is needed too for blood sugar control. Just make sure that your body’s response to the food you eat is favorable. Do not forget to include activities to your daily life. Most of all, be coachable to your doctors, nurses and other health professionals.

Monitor blood glucose levels

In order to maintain blood glucose levels effectively, it is likewise important to monitor them. Monitoring of the blood glucose can help the diabetic patient detect “highs” and “lows”. Make notes of the levels so you can detect how well you did with your diet, exercise, lifestyle and medication. Use a blood glucose monitor to do so. Do not forget that for patients with diabetes, it is important to ask your doctor for suggestion on how often should you monitor blood sugar levels for better blood glucose control.

High blood glucose is hyperglycemia and low blood glucose is hypoglycemia. Hyperglycemia can make the patient confused, shaky or may lead to comatose while low blood glucose can make the patient lose consciousness. When blood glucose is consistently high, talk to your doctor immediately to correct or adjust your treatment. If it’s too low, take sugary foods or drinks like fruit juice.

Blood glucose is a core in a diabetic patient’s life. It is something that they cannot avoid to monitor and take care of.

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