Thursday, July 14, 2011

Feeding Your Cell Membrane to Cure Diabetes

How is diabetes and cell membrane connected? Practically, food can help cure diabetes. It is the determining factor of the fluctuation of blood sugar. Many people are fortunate enough to hit the right food and the proper timing to correct the illness. Food can also be used to target the body’s cell membrane to cure diabetes. It is worthwhile to know how diabetes and the cell membranes are connected.

Cell membranes

One of the main reasons why type 2 diabetes occurs is because the cell membranes are not doing their jobs well. The cell membrane encloses the cells of our body, and talking about cells, there are trillions of them within us. Every cell is enclosed by a cell membrane so they can be protected of the things that go in and out of the cells. Insulin, which is a hormone, acts like a doorman of the cell membrane. It escorts the good stuff to go inside the cell, and ensure that the bad stuff does not go in.

When the cell membranes are injured and do not respond to the insulin properly, they become “insulin resistant”, meaning these cell membranes do not listen to insulin anymore and allows or disallows any stuff to come in to the cells. This is when pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes occurs.

Blood glucose

The main purpose of we humans taking food is to have energy for our body. Food is processed inside the body, becomes sugar and is absorbed into the cells by passing through the cell membranes with the guidance of insulin. There inside the cell, the glucose becomes the cell’s fuel to produce energy for the body so that humans like you and me, can talk, walk, run and do physical activities.
However, when this purpose is not achieved, that is when glucose does not go inside the cell for fuel and because of problems occurring in the cell membranes themselves, thus leading to diabetes. Then the essence of eating food becomes useless. Furthermore, the blood glucose stays in the blood and becomes accumulated, making your blood sugar levels soar and diabetes to occur.

Trans body fats

Damage of the cell membranes is caused by food that the person eats. Foods like trans fats can make someone insulin resistant. However, there are a lot of foods available anywhere that are not good for our cell membranes. Trans fats for example make food industry entrepreneurs gain more profit because they have long shelf-life and are easy to handle.
Fortunately, our body cells are continually repaired or replaced, so you will eventually have healthy cell membranes and avoid diabetes. That is, if you quit on taking trans fats and other foods that are not healthy. Switch to shrimp, omega-3 like fish, grass fed beef, eggs, chickens and green leafy vegetables and you will have new healthy “insulin non-resistant” cell membranes once again, and cure your diabetes.

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