Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vegetables for Diabetics

Vegetables are generally known and proven to reduce risks in certain types of diseases, and are also good for diabetics.

Vegetarian diet

The best way to keep blood sugar levels in safe levels is to choose the right food to take at the right amount. Studies revealed that vegetables are good for diabetics’ safe blood sugar levels. Onions and garlics for example, help lower blood glucose levels. A vegetarian diet, in fact, is one of the best choices for diabetics. Vegetarian diets are usually composed of vegetables, fruits, beans, grains, nuts, lentils, soybeans and seeds. They are low in cholesterol, fats and calories. Animal products, when taken less frequently, offer people with diabetes lots of health advantages.

People following a vegetarian diet less likely become overweight. They do not have high cholesterol or high blood pressure and are not candidates for heart problems and cancer. Vegetables can make type 1 diabetics to need less insulin. If you are a type 2 diabetic, weight loss due to a vegetarian diet can improve your blood sugar control.

Other vegetable benefits

High intake of vegetables relatively causes dramatic risk reduction of stroke, heart diseases, cancers particularly in lungs and digestive tract, incidence of cataract and a lot more benefits. It is also associated with bone resorption lower levels and higher density of bone mineral.

Eating vegetables undeniably offers a lot of advantages than eating animal products. Veggies are packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, more nutrients, fiber and low in calories. Abundance of fiber makes veggies plenty filling. Even a plate full offers few saturated fats and carbohydrates. Taking vegetables in large quantities is still safe, even for diabetics.

Much more, veggies have various phytochemicals that can promote health and prevent many diseases.

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