Friday, January 14, 2011

If You Come from a Diabetic Bloodline, is Diabetes Awaiting You?

If you know diabetes is present in the people ahead of you in the same bloodline, you know you are at risk of developing the disease. However, you have a great hope of becoming an exemption. Having a diabetic bloodline is not an assurance that you will have diabetes automatically. There are things you can do to avoid diabetes.

If you are healthy now, no diabetes at all but you have in your line a diabetic such as a parent, a grandparent, a great grandparent, cousin, relative, etc., this can be a sign that you need not be careless with your eating and lifestyle.

Diabetes was once known to be a mysterious illness since nobody did not know its real cause. After several years of research, it was found out that it runs in the blood. This is a major cause but not a leading one. Overweight is still the leading cause of diabetes. It should be more alarming than genetics.

It is impossible to earn all the negative things in one situation. Thus, it is not all that bad if you have a diabetic bloodline. It can be a friendly warning for you to watch out and be more careful so as not to inherit and develop diabetes.

Avoid the wrong routine and lifestyle

If diabetes is in your direct bloodline, say your parent has it, most likely, you can directly evaluate some routines in the family that lead to this disease. For example, you may have observed that your parent is not so careful about the choice of food, or he or she is overweight and do not exert the effort of getting in shape. These unhealthy lifestyles of theirs should not be followed so you will not get what they acquire. Fortunately, diabetes is not a contagious illness so you have the hope not to get the same fate as theirs.

Many people get diabetic even if they do not have a diabetic bloodline. Likewise, you can see a lot of people with diabetes among their family members, yet they are not diabetic. There is a big chance that you fall on the latter category.

What to do?

Just make sure you are not overweight. Do not eat too much, nor eat less. Go for a healthy, well-balanced diet. Highly suggested are those with lots of fiber and protein. Avoid a poor diet. Avoid living an inactive life. Do exercise at least 3 times a week.

Be more careful too if you get older. Old age is being blamed for diabetes also. Even without a diabetic bloodline, any person has a high risk of diabetes as he gets older. It is suggested that you get tested for diabetes so you can be more aware, more careful and can take actions quickly. Remember, prevention is above all, much better than cure.

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