Friday, January 14, 2011

Go For Diabetes Prevention…Stay Healthy

Although some people get diabetes from the genes, many do not. As long as we are not diabetic today, we have to do something to avoid it as early as now. Diabetes prevention is better than cure. Stay healthy – this is the best way to prevent diabetes.

Diabetes prevention

Diabetes is a big problem of the health that affects people of all ages – old and young alike. For one to prevent it is to stay healthy. Some get diabetes even at a younger age. Genes are the ones to blame. If it is the case, we cannot do something to prevent it. For those who are not diabetic and are not hit by diabetic genes, this illness can be prevented.

Ways to prevent diabetes

Submit yourself to blood sugar tests. See where you stand. Eat a balanced diet. Minimize sweets and carbohydrates. Let yourself get used to some substitutes like having whole wheat instead of white bread. Fruit juices also have much sugar. Thus, stay away from them.

Pregnancy. Diabetes prevention seems very hard for pregnant women who are overweight and older than 25. They are prone to diabetes before giving birth. They should have tried to stay healthy before pregnancy. But it is not too late. They still can watch the foods that they eat and try to lose excess fats and weights. If you are planning to get pregnant, try your best not to be overweight ahead. Be more careful if your pregnancy happens when you are older than 25.

Exercise regularly. Exercise helps burn excess fats in the body system. It reduces the risk of diabetes and other disease like hypertension and heart problems.
Check your weight. Do not get overweight. Your body will find it hard to use insulin if you have extra weight. Diabetes prevention is harder. You will be highly at risk of diabetes if you do. Be conscious of the things that you eat. Love your body. Love yourself. Stay healthy. Do not let diabetes happen to you.

Limit fast food and sodas. By eating in fast foods and drinking sodas, you will most likely get overweight and overweight makes you a candidate for diabetes. Do not go for iced teas and juices too.

Stay active. Keep moving. This is better than playing games in the computer or watching TV. Run around, play soccer or walk your dog. Keep moving everyday.

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