Friday, January 14, 2011

Fruits and Diabetes – A Healthy Combination

Fruits are one of the most healthy foods there is. They are highly recommended to maintain healthy bodies, especially for those who are suffering from illnesses…even diabetes.

Fruits are good for diabetes diet

A person with diabetes has certain special needs that can be achieved from the choice of the food he eats. He should avoid eating foods which are rich in fats and cholesterol. The food he eats should be light, should contain much fiber and should be easy to digest.

Most fruits fit well with diabetics since fruits are low in fats and rich in vitamins and nutrients. Fruits have proved their beneficial effects on patients suffering from diabetes. Fruit contents have positive effect on the abnormal rise of blood glucose.

Fruits good for diabetics

Staying on the list of the fruits best for diabetics is the apple. Apples contain pectine, a source of galacturonic acid, one needed for cleaning toxic and harmful substances in the body. These acid fruits pectines, likewise work to decrease the body’s need of insulin at about 35 percent. Furthermore, apples have vitamin B1, the vitamin that can prevent brain cells damage that usually occurs because of diabetes or diabetic acidosis. Aside from that, vitamin B1 prevents other complications such as neurosis.

A study of people eating apples show that after 24 hours, the participants show decrease in symptoms. Apples reduced inflammation related to heart disease and diabetes. Apples are 38 on the glycemic index of Nutrition Data. The index is used to determine how a food affects blood sugar levels in the body. It is true. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Grapefruit. Grapefruits are 25 on the glycemic index. They are fruits good for diabetes. They naturally lower blood sugar levels. Studies revealed that none of any ingredients of grapefruit hinders insulin production. Fresh grapefruit has slow conversion rate in the body and thus, much better than juice.

Oranges. Oranges are 48 in the glycemic index fruits and thus good for diabetics. The vitamin C and fiber that oranges have control blood sugar levels and reduce weight.

Bitter melon. Bitter melon juice is used as a diabetic remedy in South America, Africa and Asia. Bitter melons are good fruits for diabetics because its natural ingredients lower blood sugar levels. A bitter melon can also help body tissues absorb glucose.

Bananas. Bananas are fruits good for diabetes because they are low in sugar and will not raise blood glucose levels. Eating bananas can help diabetics maintain or lose weight. The calcium in bananas is capable of reducing sodium in the body.

There you go. Aside from good to the taste, there are really no reservations when we eat fruits. They bring good health to us and are highly recommended in our everyday diet.

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