Friday, January 14, 2011

Sweet Long Life!

People with diabetes can always have the chance to enjoy a sweet long life. If you think diabetes can destroy your life since diabetic lifespan is short, you are entirely misinformed.

Sweet long life is reachable

You just learned you have diabetes. You start to pray for you might die tomorrow. That is how short a diabetic lifespan is, as you think. Worse is, you stop pursuing your dreams as you know it will not be long before you leave. Come on! Diabetes is not a person with a gun that can kill you instantly. It will only be fatal when complications happen. It takes quite sometime to bring you to your funeral. Most of all, it should not stop you from pursuing your dreams. Have an active, normal, full life! Savor it like non-diabetic people do.

Life span of diabetics

Some people have diabetes for over forty years and still live for another 40 years. A person was diagnosed of diabetes and started living a sweet long life. While the doctor said he would die at age 32, he is now over 40 years old and still healthy. Diabetic lifespan may be underestimated, but this can be something good to make the diabetic more careful and disciplined. With the doctors’ warnings, many diabetics have lived for 34 years and still do not have damages from the disease. Still, several reach their senior years without complications.

Top secret

Their secret? They keep their sugar levels in normal range all the time.

Many diabetics exist that are still active, fit and do not have overweight issues. It is just about being disciplined

and coachable to the doctors. Their lives can still be a sweet long life by simply just watch their diet. Thus, the diabetic lifespan totally depends on how well he keeps himself balanced in terms of diet and weight.

By disciplining themselves to maintain their weight, diabetics are no exceptional people. Even if you are not diabetic, you still need self-discipline to avoid overweight. It is not something only diabetics should do.

The doctors’ advice to people with diabetes is to keep their glucose in a normal level – always. If this is followed, diabetes complications would not happen. We know well that diabetes complications are more deadly than diabetes itself.

Things that can help

With technology today, insulin and home glucose monitoring are one of the keys available for achieving a sweet long life. They help make diabetic lifespan extend and blood sugar maintenance more convenient and easy. For those who live with diabetes for a longer period, they know they can have the same life expectancy like people who have healthy pancreases. The advent of insulin, pumps and glucometers can be used to setup a system that can work well with diabetics and their lifestyle. Many choices make it possible for managing diabetes successfully.

If you have diabetes, you are in control of yourself. Be more responsible. Stay motivated and always on top of glucose readings. Live and prosper…like any other.

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