Friday, January 14, 2011

Kidney Failure – Most Fatal for Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney failure, the final stage of chronic kidney disease is one of the causes of a major health and body problems with diabetics. Studies revealed that the main cause of kidney failure is diabetes. The care for kidneys should be included in diabetes care regimen as well.

Every year in America, more than 100,000 people are diagnosed with kidney failure - a fatal condition wherein the kidneys fail to rid body wastes. Kidney failure is the final stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Patients with kidney failure undergo kidney transplantation to receive a healthy kidney from a donor. Some sort to undergo dialysis – an artificial process to clean the blood. While heredity, medical conditions or diet are factors that lead to kidney failure, it is found that high blood pressure and high sugar levels are its main cause. Most of all, diabetes is the major culprit.

Development of kidney disease

A kidney disease takes years to develop. In some people, the kidney’s filtering function is actually higher than normal in the first few years of their diabetes. Kidney failure and chronic kidney disease is far from reality.

As years pass, the kidneys begin to leak small amounts of blood protein called albumin into the urine. Yet, the kidneys’ filtering functions still remain normal. This is the first stage of CKD called microalbuminuria.

As the disease progresses, the kidney’s filtering function begins to drop. There will be more albumin that can be found in the urine. This stage is now macroalbuminuria or proteinuria. The body retains various wastes and as kidney damage develops, blood pressure often rises as well.

If a kidney disease exists, it should be treated as part of a comprehensive approach to the cure, care and diabetes treatment.

Therefore, kidney damage rarely occurs in the first 10 years of diabetes. Kidney failure usually has 15 to 25 years before it. If you are diabetic and do not have signs of kidney failure, the risk of having the disease decreases.

Kidney disease prevention

To prevent chronic kidney failure or any kidney disease, experts advise to a reduced protein diet. Excessive consumption of protein can be harmful so avoid high-protein foods. For those who already have kidney disease, a reduced protein diet can help delay the onset of kidney failure.

As usual for diabetics, intensive management of glucose counts. Test your blood glucose regularly and make sure it is normal or close to normal at all times. The routine should include consulting a health expert as well as manage food intake and physical activity.

Kidney failure and chronic kidney disease is a serious ailment worth avoiding. So, remember to check your kidney regularly as part of your diabetes checkup. Diabetics are always prone to kidney disease so better prevent it as early as possible.

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