Thursday, January 13, 2011

Losing Weight Is Crucial For Diabetics

An active lifestyle and a balanced diet contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. Much more for diabetics. Weight influences diabetes and the diabetes likewise influences weight. Losing weight is indeed a big issue for people with diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is a major contribution of losing weight. Diabetics become sick when the body does not produce enough insulin. Insulin’s function is to regulate insulin and because if its lack or absence, the body is unable to properly use glucose.

As a result, glucose and other calories are flushed out through the urine. People with diabetes can lose weight even if their appetite is normal. Once treated, weight can become normal again.

Excess weight can likewise be a problem to diabetics since fats make it harder for the body to use insulin properly. Obese or overweight people with diabetes usually have trouble controlling the levels of their blood sugar.

Type 2 diabetes

It is common for overweight people, who have trouble losing weight to become to type 2 diabetics. Type 2 diabetes is when the body produces enough insulin but the body cannot use the insulin properly. Most often the condition is called insulin resistance.

With the insulin not used properly, glucose in the blood increases prompting the pancreas to produce more insulin until it wears out from overwork.
Those who are overweight and do not exercise enough are the most qualified candidates.

It is extremely important to avoid diabetes before it starts but if it is already with you, you can do something about it. Lose weight, eat healthier foods and exercise. These are the natural treatment of insulin resistance and can even bring back the body’s ability for blood sugar control. Losing weight for diabetics is most of all, worth-doing.

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