Friday, January 14, 2011

Diabetes Heart Effects - The Deadly Stroke

The fear of having diabetes is its deadly effect. Heart effects are one of them. As an illness, diabetes is not deadly. But the deadly stroke is. It directly or indirectly can cause heart disease. When the heart is badly affected, we know it is absolutely fatal.

Heart effects and deadly stroke

The worst effect diabetes can bring is when it affects the heart – the central part of the body’s nervous system. It is one of the most dangerous and fatal of all effects since it can lead to a lot of worst conditions which ultimately brings death.

People with diabetes are most likely to have heart disease or stroke than those who do not have diabetes. Diabetics can have stroke earlier than those who are not. Middle-aged type 2 diabetics have a chance of a heart attack as high as non-diabetics who have already one heart attack.

Greater risks belong to those who already have gone through one heart attack. Diabetics heart attack is more seriously fatal. High blood sugar levels contribute to adverse heart effects because they can lead to a large amount of fatty materials inside the blood vessel walls. These fatty deposits hinder the flow of blood, leading to hardening of the blood vessels called atherosclerosis which can cause to a deadly stroke.

A normal healthy blood has smooth inner wall. Blood vessels with fatty deposits have the fatty materials building up inside, which narrows the blood vessel.

Of the 23 million people who suffer from diabetes in the United States, 95% of them have type-2 diabetes. Most are linked to obesity and old age. It costs the US economy more than $100 billion a year.

If you have already had a heart attack or a stroke, taking care of yourself can help prevent bad heart effects and deadly stroke. Be physically active, choose healthy foods wisely and take medications if necessary.

Heart attack risks and prevention

Diabetes. Diabetes is one of the major causes of heart disease that can lead to heart attack. Thus, having diabetes increases one’s risk of getting into that heart trouble.

Family history. Having a family history of heart disease increases your risk of heart illness and stroke. If someone in your family had a heart attack at an early age such as before age 55, then you maybe are at an increased risk of having the same fate.

Obesity. If your waist measures more than 40 inches for men, and more than 35 inches for women, you likely have central obesity that can lead to dreadful heart effects. Production of LDL or bad cholesterol is increased with abdominal fat, which can cause a deadly stroke. LDL is the blood fat that can have deposits inside the blood vessel walls. Blood vessels carry the blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Blocking the blood vessels is a deadly condition. Therefore obesity and high LDL levels can cause heart problems.

Low level of HDL (good) cholesterol. HDL removes fat deposits from the blood vessels and bring them to the liver to be removed. Increase the HDL levels of your body since they help clean your blood vessels.

Hypertension. High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the major contributors of worst heart effects. It makes the heart work harder to pump blood. It therefore can strain the heart, increase the risk of kidney and eye problems. Worse, it can bring deadly stroke and heart attack.

Heart care. Take good care of your heart by eating heart-healthy foods such as fiber, fruits and vegetables. Fiber lowers blood cholesterol. They are found in oatmeal, bran, whole-grain breads and cereals, peas, dried beans. Avoid saturated fats which are found in meat, eggs, butter, shortening, dairy products, tropical oils, lard, etc. Your cholesterol diet should be less than 300 milligrams a day.

Many indeed died of heart attack or stroke but the good thing adverse heart effects and deadly stroke are very preventable. It just requires plenty of discipline to choose the healthy right foods to eat and doing exercise and other physical healty activities.

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