Friday, January 14, 2011

Smoking and Diabetics: Why Cigarette Smoking is Deadly

Smoking has always been tagged as dangerous…for both diabetics and non-diabetics. Yet many people are doing cigarette smoking and are addicted to it. To maintain the body’s health, refrain from smoking. To increase life span for diabetics, smoking is advisably a no-no.

Smoking is really dangerous to your health. It turns your body from being healthy to damaged. Cigarette smoking is bad for everyone, everywhere… but for diabetics, it can be more damaging. Smoking increases a diabetic’s chance for complications such as stroke, heart disease and circulation problems.

Unfortunately, diabetics who smoke increase their risk of premature death. Smoking triggers fatalities by damaging the blood vessels and reducing blood circulation.

Smoking and diabetes makes one 11 times more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke. Smoking raises blood glucose levels. Just smoking a single cigarette already reduces the body’s ability to use insulin by 15%. Smoke more and diabetes can be harder to control.

The dangers of smoking

It is of general knowledge that smoking is more dangerous to diabetics than those with no diabetes. Cigarette-smoking can cut the amount of oxygen reaching the body’s tissues, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Diabetics who are smokers will have worse problems of healing their wounds, leading to more infections that would require foot amputation.

Smoking can damage the kidneys faster, increases joint and muscle pains, possibility to blindness, impotence, bleeding gums, dental disease and ulcers. Smoking diabetic women who are pregnant may have stillbirth or miscarriage.

What smokers should know

Many smokers do not quit smoking because they know diabetes is getting them already. It won’t matter. Smoking makes them feel better and is apart from diabetes that makes them feel bad all the time. Besides, smoking can let you avoid obesity.

Diabetics should take note that diabetes complications can be prevented with hard work and proper care. Cigarette smoking speeds up the “end” line though it may give a “good feeling” for a short time. But that “good feeling” can cause you your precious own life and a lifetime loss to your loved ones.

By all means, quitting is best

To stop smoking means reducing the risk of having deadly complications and thus increasing the longevity of your life. Quitting is a healthy change. The advantages of quitting are by all means, outweigh the smoking “advantages”. Save your precious, valuable health and life…quit smoking.

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