Thursday, January 13, 2011

Diabetic Healthy Breakfast – Anyone?

Diabetic healthy breakfast is not just for diabetics but for anyone and is one of the most important to live a longer life yet many take it for granted. People especially those who are extremely busy may find it real hard to maintain a healthy body through proper choice of food. These people are those who need healthy food more than anybody does to have enough energy for the day and cope up with stress and fatigue. Most of all, this is extremely important for people with diabetes since it is their habit to watch over their diet.

Have a diabetic healthy breakfast

Many people skip breakfast intentionally or unintentionally. Anyone who is busy sometimes does not have a choice but to report to work without breakfast. This is not healthy for diabetics. This might contribute to a more serious complication.

With proper breakfast, you will be more likely to get the nutrients you need for the entire day. Have an egg fried using very little olive oil. Or better have egg whites instead. A bowl of a real oatmeal (not instant) is a good alternative too as well as a whole grain toast that is unbuttered.

Instant oat meals may have lots of sugar in them and are less healthy. Real oat meals provide fiber and can be taken with almonds, cranberries or walnuts. They are one of the recommended diabetic healthy breakfasts and they are also for anyone who wants to stay healthy. They can make someone full until lunch.

Indigestible carbohydrates

Indigestible carbohydrates are carbohydrates which can reach the large intestines since they are not broken down when they pass the small intestines. In the large intestines, they provide food to the intestinal bacteria and trigger a process which results to a production of some components like short-chain fatty acids.

These components in turn enter the blood, affect blood sugar regulation in a favorable way and provide a feeling of being full longer. They likewise help alleviate some of the body’s inflammatory conditions, eventually entailing reduced risk of diabetes and heart diseases.

Indigestible carbohydrates are good diabetic healthy breakfast for anyone with diabetes. They contain dietary fiber and they can be found in whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts.

Cinnamon, vitamin D, milk and protein

Cinnamon is good for diabetics since it lowers blood sugar, that is if you eat it at least for 6 weeks. You can choose cinnamon spice or the cinnamon pills but do not go for cinnamon oil.

Vitamin D is good for managing blood sugar in diabetics. Salmon and oily fish are sources of vitamin D.

Drink low-fat milk because it prevents type 2 diabetes. If you are already diabetic, increasing milk intake is not directly recommended.

Diabetics should also eat protein. Protein is not just another diabetic healthy breakfast for anyone but can be taken every meal. They can also make the person feel fuller, hence can help prevent eating much to maintain an ideal weight. Take note that proteins for diabetics should be high in protein but low in saturated fat and calories.

Protein-rich foods are egg whites, white fish, salmon, cold-water fish, fowl and extremely lean turkey.

Other good breakfast choices anyone can take

Good breakfast can be composed of rice, breads, pitas, buns, fruit or vegetable juice, berries, apples, bananas, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, soup, skim milk, low-fat yogurt, jellies, syrup, honey, eggs, peanut butter, turkey, sliced ham or roast beef.

Bon appetit!

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