Thursday, January 13, 2011

Healthy Snacks For Diabetics

Diabetics keep an eye on the food they eat, snacks not exempted! Snacks can be unhealthy or healthy. Healthy snacks are highly recommended especially for diabetics but eating them is always not a case. People with diabetes must have this healthy habit of choosing healthy food and snacks.

Diabetic Diet Basics

Before considering healthy snacks, we should take note of diet basics for people with diabetes. Diabetics should not only avoid sugar but carbohydrates as well. Taking so much simple carbohydrates is harmful because carbohydrates are broken down into sugars in the liver hence, increase the level of sugar in the blood.

Keep away with fried items and alcohol.

Snacks for diabetics should be those which can reduce the consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates. Instead, go for complex carbohydrates and protein-rich foods.

Nuts are one of the best snack choices for diabetics. Nuts such as almonds. However, almonds are rich in calories so moderation should be applied.

Whole grain crackers are good because they contain complex carbohydrates.

So, they are healthy snacks for diabetics. It takes more time for the body to absorb complex carbohydrates so they give you a feeling of being full for a longer time.

Take also some fruits like apricots, apples with skin, blueberries and grapefruit. Take note that diabetics are restricted severely on the choices of fruits they can eat. So be more watchful. Do not eat grapes, dates, watermelons since they have high sugar content. Completely avoid dried fruits.

For meat lovers, you can have white meat which is harmless for diabetics. Have a simple boiled chicken or turkey sandwich plus brown bread, or have a chicken salad, or a brown-bread tuna sandwich.

Popcorns can be healthy snacks too if they are air-popped. Popcorns are low in sugar and calories.

Other healthy snacks for diabetics are low-sodium fat, raw vegetables such as cucumber, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower. Low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt are also recommended.

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