Friday, January 14, 2011

I am Diabetic, Would I Pass Diabetes to my Kids?

If I am diabetic, would I pass diabetes to my kids? If the answer is yes, maybe I should not have kids then. Or should not add the number of my children today.

Diabetic people know very well that their disease is fatal and can lead to a death earlier than normal people would. They also have to develop a sort of self-discipline to make them more cautious of their lifestyle and habits. If they think their lifestyle is not normal, they may not want this kind of lifestyle to be followed by their future children.

The decision is yours

In earlier stages, some diabetic women who knew the risks involved in getting pregnant and having a baby that can become diabetic, promised themselves not to have an offspring at all. But for some diabetics – men and women alike, when they fall in love and get married, priorities can change. Like any married person, they start to wish to have children. Then the question of “will I pass diabetes to my kids?” pops up on their minds.

The decision of having a baby or an additional baby if you are diabetic now is really something up to you. The fact is, there is a chance that the illness can be passed to your kids, but repeat, only a chance.

Facts and chances

Some people are diabetic, yet their parents are not. Some do not have diabetes, but their parents or grandparents are diabetic.

Would I pass diabetes to my kids is not a sure ball.

There are people who are diabetics but they are the very first person in their bloodline to have that disease. There was a case when both the father and mother are diabetic, but their two kids - both boys are not. If two people without diabetes can produce a child with diabetes, the chance of having a kid without diabetes is a pretty good chance too.

If you are a diabetic mother and nurse your baby with breastfeeding, it is really advantageous both to you and your baby. Remember that diabetes is not an infectious disease. Your baby cannot catch it from you. Thus, it is safe to breastfeed. Studies revealed that while breastfeeding, diabetic women decrease the amount of insulin that they need. Breastfeeding may also reduce your baby’s risk of developing diabetes in his later life. It is not a factor to pass diabetes to your kid.

Train your children with healthy routines

You may have children now, discipline them from the very start by applying the things that are good for you. Let them get used to eating healthy food and balanced diet. Make exercise part of your routine.

The most important thing is avoid becoming obese or overweight. It is one of the major reasons why people have diabetes. If you are overweight, make sure you discipline yourself to become normal since your eating habits and lifestyles maybe duplicated by your children and that they have the tendency to be diabetic.

These are good for you and your children as well. It is like hitting two birds in one shot.

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