Thursday, January 13, 2011

Diabetic Meal Plans and Wise Diabetic Food Choices

Choosing food for diabetics is one of the most controversial plans. Every now and then, a diabetic meal plan is supported by diabetic patients as wise diabetic food choices. Some are subscribed by dietitians but may not be accepted by health experts. What makes the plans controversial is that they are not totally agreed upon by everyone.

Diabetic meal plan

Being not agreed upon by everyone, wise diabetic food choices are sometimes a real issue. For example, other meal plans recommend more carbohydrates, while some meal plans advise less carbohydrates.

What diabetic meal plan to follow is sometimes confusing for diabetes patients and their loved ones.

Good diabetic food choices are those that help maintain blood sugar safe levels, body weight, reduce harmful cholesterol, nutritious, reduce need for medication and supplements and most of all prevent diabetes complications.

For a wise diabetic food choice, it should be considered safe and healthy as its utmost characteristic. It is notable to taking meals must have spacing in between for the body to be familiarized with the eating cycle to be able to metabolize the food better. Diabetic meal plan with wise diabetic food choices must come in variety and not monotonous. If it is monotonous, the patient may lose love for food and that is a more difficult issue to face.

Amount of nutrients for diabetic meals is of more concern.


People with diabetes definitely need carbohydrates. Sugar is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrate intake lowers blood sugar level if taken in less quantity, and increases blood sugar levels if taken more.

It is highly suggested that carbohydrates be taken in small and distributed quantities. 30% during breakfast, 60% between lunch and dinner and 10% for some carbo products of the day like milk.


Weight is one of the concerns of diabetics. That is why, fats consumption should be regulated. A diabetic meal plan should have fats that must not go beyond 150 grams daily. Wise diabetic food choices avoid fats. More fats make a person obese. Obesity and diabetes is a deadly pair.

Also take note that lots of fats can cause blindness, strokes and heart attacks.


Permissible calories intake for diabetics are different from those for non-diabetics. The amount also varies according to lifestyle and age. Hardworking and younger people with diabetes can have a total intake of 2300 kcal daily, younger inactive diabetics must not go more than 1700 kcal per day and seniors and obese should not go more than 1000 kcal per day.

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