Friday, January 14, 2011

Exercise Your Way to Diabetes Management

Exercise – an activity good for all people for a healthy body and disease prevention. It is equally recommended even to those pregnant women and to those suffering from some illnesses. Exercise, like food is an essential part of everyone’s life. It is likewise a part of those observing a diabetes management.

Exercise for everyone

Exercise always tops the list as the best suggested regimen for a healthy body. With regular exercise, one can stay away from illnesses. Another benefit of exercise is to lose weight and a good way to avoid becoming obese, thus is a part of diabetes management for diabetic patients. Regular exercise lowers the risk of heart diseases and can help lower blood sugar levels.

If you are diabetic, the kind of exercise you choose is equally important. Talk to your doctor about it. He might have suggestions on what form of exercise fits you. Check your blood sugar levels before you exercise. If the sugar level is low, eat snacks. It lowers down during exercise and you might feel weak, dizzy or faint. Check for sores or blisters on your feet during and after exercise.

Diabetes management is something you want to be more careful about during exercise than the average person. Wear proper socks and shoes. Drink plenty of fluid before, during and after exercise. Warm up before exercising and cool down after. Exercise indeed can control diabetes and reduce the risk of long-term complications.

The benefits of exercise

Most doctors recommend aerobics exercise since it makes the heart works harder. Some aerobics exercises are walking, biking, jogging, aerobic dancing, swimming, rowing or chair exercises.

An aerobic exercise can increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin. With proper nutrition, it decreases body fat, thereby helping restore normal glucose metabolism. The main benefit of exercise is for the muscles to increase glucose uptake and enhance the body’s ability to store glucose. Going into an exercise program must be done slowly and gradually to be part of diabetes management. Never forget to talk to your doctor for specific advice.

Watch out for hypoglycemia

During exercise, watch out for hypoglycemia, a state where your blood sugar level is lower than normal. Signs are feeling shaky or anxious, sudden change of heartbeat or sweating more than normal. If you feel any of these, stop right away and take any of the following which can relieve the symptoms: ½ to ¾ cup of non-diet soda, ½ cup fruit juice, 2 tablespoons of raisins, 1 cup milk and others your doctor may advise in dealing with hypoglycemia.

An ideal exercise in diabetes management must be the accumulation of at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activities during weekdays. Since diabetes is associated with less activity and obesity, exercise can definitely give diabetic patients a lot of valuable effects.

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