Friday, January 14, 2011

When Diabetics Get Sick: How to Give Extra Care for Sick Diabetics

When diabetics get sick, extra careful should be given as it is like the sick getting sick again. Sick diabetics can tread in a dangerous line. When you are diabetic and you get sick, the first person to help you is yourself. Take good care of your own body and initiate finding help from others when necessary.

Take extra care of yourself

Getting sick is not healthy especially if you are diabetic. When diabetics get sick, they should try to be cured as soon as possible. While avoiding sickness is a top priority in the diabetic’s list, it cannot be avoided at times but sick diabetics can still do something. When you are sick, be more careful and provide extra care for yourself and your body.

For people with diabetes, becoming sick can make the blood glucose level go too high. This one should be taken into serious account. Try to avoid this by checking every 4 hours your blood glucose levels. Take note of the results.

When you are a diabetic and sick, drink at least one cup or 8 ounces of water every hour. When diabetics get sick, they should drink water and other liquids that have no calories or caffeine while awake. Sick diabetics should make sure to take their medicines religiously.

If you cannot take your usual food, take soup, popsicles, crackers or try drinking juice. Drink liquids that are clear if you cannot eat at all. Clear liquids like ginger ale. You still need to eat or drink liquids with sugar because you need calories. Not eating enough can increase your risk of hypoglycemia, which is low blood glucose.

Call for help

If you are diabetic and are sick, you need to call for help immediately if your blood sugar has been above 240 for more than one day. When diabetics get sick, they need help from a healthcare professional or doctor. When sick diabetics feel more sleepy than usual, cannot think clearly or have trouble breathing, these should be alarming signs . If you have had diarrhea for more 6 hours and you throw up more than once, these are also signs that you need medical help already.

Where help is available

Other than the doctors, there are medical professionals who are available in your area from whom you can seek help. They are diabetes teachers like dietitians, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals. They can also be found in some recognized Diabetes Education Programs or Diabetes Information Clearinghouse in your locality.

Consult or ask your doctors about the availability of other help in your place. He may refer or recommend you to some other health professionals who can give you professional care as well.

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