Friday, January 14, 2011

All About Cancer and Diabetes

Cancer in women especially those with diabetes is a near possibility than to those who have not. Women have to be careful to entirely avoid diabetes, and much more careful in taking care of their health when they already have diabetes.

Cancer in women with diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes have insulin-like hormones to circulate through their bodies. A new study find this has a surprising positive effect to reduce prostate cancer in men, but unfortunately for women with type 2 diabetes, this may double the risk of female genital and other cancers.

The Tel Aviv University’s Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medic-WEEine at the Sackler Faculty of medicine is the first to show the statistical differences of men and women when talking about cancer risks. It actually appeared that diabetes have a preventative effect on conditions in men, like prostrate cancer. The reduction of cancer risk has something to do with insulin-like hormones by 47 percent.

For women however, diabetes interaction with the female hormones exaggerates the risk, making cancer in women with diabetes more common. The presence of diabetes in a woman’s body makes some her organs like ovaries and uterus more receptive to some kinds of cancer. Albeit ovarian and colon cancers are serious, this should not cause panic since its overall risk in women is quite low in general. Still, physicians should take this into account when determining long-term patient histories.

Prevention is still better than cure

It is highly recommended by physicians for diabetic women to undergo screening for colon cancer as early as possible. These screenings are of vital importance. It can save a lot of lives.

Diabetes that is type 2, and characterized by high blood sugar and insulin deficiency, which can increase cancer in women with diabetes, usually occurs in adulthood and can often be managed with oral medication, exercise and proper diet.

The best prevention is to avoid diabetes entirely by having exercise and taking low-carbohydrates and high-fiber foods.

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