Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vaccines and Insulin-Dependence in Children

There have been claims that vaccines in children have been linked to the development of insulin-dependence in children. It was presented by Classen Immunotherapies immunologist Dr. J. Bart Classen who proved that vaccines result to about 80% cases in children with diabetes.

There is an assumed knowledge that vaccines in children cause them insulin–dependence. While it is caused by an assumed infectious mechanism, studies were conducted to check if there is a possible connection between vaccination and diabetes.

With this, parents ask this question: should the children receive vaccinations? Health authorities would surely say “yes”. The vaccines just needed to be applied as recommended dosage and time. Various studies are done regarding investigation of vaccines. Though there is a need to check more of the vaccines link to insulin dependence, parents should determine some factors before letting their children have the vaccine shots: how dangerous is the illness, vaccine effectiveness, certain side effects and possible circumstances if choosing not to take the vaccines at all.

Type 1 diabetes has been postulated by researchers to be grown second to an immune response that it not normal and become a viral infection. The positive or negative association of childhood vaccination was considered. The rise of figures for childhood diabetics in some countries lent the association between vaccines and childhood diabetes to be positive. In a study with diabetic mice, shown Bacille Calmette- Guérin (BCG) vaccine disrupts the growth of diabetes mellitus. Majority of studies however, have not supported enough evidence to prove this association.
The some developed countries, Classen and Classen studied the occurrence of diabetes and immunization wherein infants got BCG vaccine before becoming 2 months old. However, Italy’s Lombardi and Lazio regions 6.8 and 6.5 cases respectively – the two areas had the lowest incidence rates, where BCG and pertussis vaccines are not part of vaccine schedules. Finland on the other hand, was not part of the study and it has the highest number of children’s type 1 diabetes below 15 years in 1987 to 1989 and BCG has been given to infants at birth for decades.

Conflicting studies

While proofs of the association of vaccines in diabetic children are not yet enough, other studies that proved that they are not linked are likewise not enough still. Further studies are being conducted to reach a safe conclusion.

High Insulin Deadly Effects

High insulin deadly effects are diseases that can be more fatal than the cause itself. Even diabetes pharmaceutical treatment can bring complications. Shots of pills to lower readings of blood sugar have side effects. That is why high insulin can be very deadly over long-term.

High insulin definitely has deadly effects. Metabolism is the body’s way of processing food and produce energy. It involves various smooth internal processes. The master hormone for metabolism is insulin. When insulin goes out-of-balance, its levels rise high and a long list of complications follow.

Here are some deadly effects of high insulin:

Cancer. Cancer most likely happens to diabetics’ liver and pancreas. Liver cancer is more dangerous since it is usually left undetected until it becomes severe. It is advised that diabetics should keep a maintenance of alkaline system to prevent cancer.

Heart disease. Diabetics are 2 to 4 times more likely to die of heart disease since high insulin can harden the arteries or make the artery walls damaged.
One of high insulin results is amputation. Amputation is the very reason why diabetics get hospitalized. It is because of their leg or foot problem that can eventually be a deadly effect of the illness.

Blood flow decrease or myocardialischemia - This can happen to 1 out of 5 diabetics according to a study in Yale.

Depression. Depression happens to 30% of diabetics.
Erectile dysfunction or impotence which happens to 35 to 75% of diabetic males have this problem.

Dental or gums periodontal disease. Diabetics should have a regular teeth and gum checkup.

Blindness. Many diabetic patients are blind and their blindness is caused by diabetic retinopathy.

Gout and arthritis. About 52% of people with diabetes have diet-related gout and arthritis problems.

Among the high insulin deadly effects list are mineral and vitamin deficiencies, increased levels of cholesterol, kidney disease, accumulation of fat storage, turning off of the mechanism for burning fat, weight gain and obesity.
When insulin levels get high, you are in for more trouble. The good news though is you can do something about it. Be determined to cooperate to achieve the major goal of pulling the levels down by doing whatever it takes.

Essential Fatty Acids: Omega-3 Oils in Flaxseed, Borage and Fish

Essential fatty acids or omega-3 oils support the body’s nervous, immune, reproductive and cardiovascular systems. They are necessary in the repair and manufacture of cell membranes so that the cells shall have maximum nutrition and will be able to drive out destructive waste products.

The body needs essential fatty acids or omega-3 oils even before birth. The fetus requires sufficient supply of EFAs through its mother’s intake, and so are breast-fed babies. Children need EFAs for proper growth especially in the neural and sensory systems. Lack of EFAs can result to serious health problems like cancer, heart attacks, asthma, insulin resistance, depression, schizophrenia, lupus, quick aging, obesity, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, etc.


Most people In America are omega-3 deficient. The main cause of this is the over-processed foods that they eat everyday and the most common symptom is depression. Healthy fats such as omega-3 oil are oils that the human body cannot manufacture on its own. It can only be taken from diet.
An essential fatty acid found in omega-3s are used in the formation of cell walls, making them supple and flexible, and improving circulation and oxygen uptake with proper red blood cell flexibility and function.

Flaxseed oil

Coming from seeds of the plant Linum usitatissimum, flaxseed oil has omega-3 oils which contains alpha-linolenic (ALA). The body converts ALA into docosahexaenoic acid (DHA – the one found in fish oils) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), though it is studied that sometimes the body is not so efficient doing the conversion of ALA to DHA and EPA. That is why intake of fish oil is equally necessary. Likewise, flaxseed alone, not the oil, contains lignans – a chemical that might help cancer prevention.

Borage oil

Borage (from borogo officinalis), also called “startflower” can contribute to the needed essential fatty acids or omega-3 oil. It is a 1.5 feet tall wild plant which blue flowers are star-shaped. It can be found in almost all parts of the world. anywhere in the world. It is harvested for the oil in its seeds, not for stems and leaves. Its oil is a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
GLA has many benefits including treatment of premenstrual symptoms such as tenderness of the breast. It maintains health of the reproductive systems and the bones, stimulates hair and skin growth and helps regulate metabolism.

Fish oil

Fish oil aids the body to stop chronic diseases like arthritis and heart disease. It also helps reduce inflammation. Note that supplements for fish oil might affect the body’s reaction to prescribed drugs. Talk to your doctor so as to adjust medications if needed.

All About Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance

Hyperinsulinemia is an insulin overdose. This can be caused by insulin resistance – the scenario wherein the body does not listen to insulin anymore, so the body produces more insulin.

Hyperinsulinemia or high insulin level and insulin resistance are related illnesses. The pancreas has beta cells that produce insulin, which in turn pushes the sugar from the blood to the cells. However, when the cells of the body are resistant of insulin action, the situation is called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance results to making the pancreas produce more insulin than normal. The latter is now called hyperinsulinemia. To illustrate, a normal person needs 1 unit of insulin to push a 10 mg of glucose into the cell, but in a person with hyperinsulinemia, he needs 10 units of insulin to push 1 10 mg of glucose into the cell because the glucose does not listen to the cell, it requires more insulin for it to listen.

Hyperinsulinemia that can be a result to insulin resistance can likewise cause many problems – high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol (both can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack, high plasminogen activator inhibitor activity (can cause the risk of clotting), high uric acid or gout and polycystic ovary syndrome (a disorder in the endocrine that cause infertility, obesity, high leptin levels, etc.). Fat cells secrete leptin – a hormone that regulates weight and controls energy expenditure and intake of food. If it is high, obesity can occur.

Insulin resistance is a big deal because abnormality in the adrenal androgen and ovarian secrtion can happen because of it. Insulin resistance can result to stroke, heart attack, morbid obesity, type 2 diabetes, endocrine disorders in women, hypertension and clotting problems.

Hyperinsulinemia and diabetes

Patients with type 2 diabetes have hyperinsulinemia. Even before having diabetes, there some conditions involving metabolic stress such as pregnancy that the pancreas beta cells are compelled to release more insulin than usual to overcome pregnancy insulin resistance but fail to do so. Diabetes during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes and has the possibility to develop into diabetes even after giving birth. By ages 50-60 years, some of the beta cells might be burned out and while the insulin levels are normal, they cannot fight against insulin resistance anymore, resulting to diabetes.

The Role of Magnesium in Diabetes Management

It is already known that there is a link between magnesium deficiency and diabetes. It is found that magnesium can improve sensitivity to insulin and reduce risks in retinopathy, cardiovascular diseases and nephropathy.

Studies show that magnesium deficiency has something to do with diabetes. The magnesium recommended daily allowance is 6 mg/kg/d, or 400-420 mg/d for adult men and for adult women 320 mg/d or more for those who are lactating and pregnant. Based on these standards, it has been found that most of the US population lack magnesium intake.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that patients with diabetes should have enough magnesium, as it understands the risks they are facing if magnesium is deficient.

Diabetes and magnesium

Studies found out that in diabetics, intracellular free magnesium and plasma levels are lower than those who are not. Being deficient of magnesium can be a big deal since magnesium ion plays a crucial role in numerous reactions of the enzymes during metabolic processes.

There is a link between insulin action and magnesium. For grownups, low magnesium concentration is linked with impaired diabetes-related abnormalities such as glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and decreased insulin secretion. Magnesium deficiency is associated with an rising risk for type 2 diabetes. Magnesium is playing a significant role in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Magnesium deficiency is also a major cause of insulin resistance especially in diabetic obese children. That is why magnesium intake is very important in preventing type 2 diabetes in kids that are overweight.

Magnesium sources

As the body needs magnesium for its parts like muscles, heart, bones, teeth and kidneys, we have to know where we can find magnesium in our diet. We can get magnesium from whole grains, green leafy vegetables and nuts from all others.

Glutathione – the Master Oxidant

Being an effective antioxidant, glutathione or the master oxidant has a great role in curing diabetes since diabetes has something to do with lack of antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals in the body.

Glutathione for diabetes? While diabetes means the body has lots of oxidative stress or free radicals but does not have enough antioxidants to neutralize these radicals; it definitely needs the master oxidant to correct the problem . It also means that the body has low levels of intracellular glutathione or GSH. It would be better for a patient with diabetes to increase his antioxidant supplementation. Glutathione, as master antioxidant, is of course should be the first priority.
Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a contributor of insulin resistance.

No other antioxidant is more important to diabetes management and even overall health as glutathione. Glutathione regulates and regenerates immune cells. It is the body’s most detoxifying agent, according to Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D. co-author of the book “The Immune System Cure”.

Glutathione (the master oxidant a.k.a. GSH), occurs in body cells naturally. In fact, the GSH levels indicates the body’s state of well-being and health. Being referred to as the master oxidant, glutathione is responsible for vitamins C and E to fully function.

Glutathione benefits

Diabetes patients can benefit from high GSH levels in many ways. Foremost, it protects the cells from oxidation by its ability to stop the multiplication of free radicals in the body, thus preventing damage of the cells.

Glutathione helps control body weight. As such, it helps the body avoid obesity, a major forerunner of type 2 diabetes. Being a booster of the immune system, glutathione also helps strengthen the immune system – a benefit diabetics badly need to prevent secondary infections and complications. The master oxidant helps the liver neutralizes substances that are toxic. Toxic materials are contributing to immune response decrease.

Fatal Diabetes Deceptions

There are some fatal diabetes deceptions going on. The rise of diabetes has created an industry that promotes a lucrative business. However, dishonest science and greed created a universal epidemic that good science and honesty can reverse through restoring the mechanism of the body that controls blood sugar.

Fatal diabetes deceptions are already present since the origination of diabetes classification in the 19th century when very little was known about metabolic processes and diseases. Today, increased knowledge tells us that type 2 diabetes is a failure wherein the body fails to metabolize oils and fats properly. This failure results when insulin lost its effectiveness and the body’s failure to metabolize carbohydrates. The condition becomes clearer. Each cell of the body becomes incapable of transferring glucose from the blood to its inside. As a result, the glucose then stays in the blood stream, or stored as glycogen or fat, or disposed through the urine.

Any effective program for diabetes has its goal to restore the body’s blood glucose control mechanism. Many information arise, some are just diabetes deceptions but the diabetes malfunctioning of the body’s mechanism creates devastating symptoms that make conventional treatment financially lucrative.
In 2001, more than 900,000 Americans died because of diabetes going out of control. If you are diabetic, most likely physicians would not tell you that diabetes is mostly curable. “Cure” shall not be mentioned, but “treatment”.

The financial and political influence in the medical industry

The diabetes industry today is a big community with the roots coming from the early twentieth century. In recent years, there is a success of curtailing some attempts that pointed out frauds involved in modern treatment of diabetes. Political and financial influence of the diabetes medical community weakened the original goals of government regulatory agencies (and this is one of the fatal diabetes deceptions going on) by approving ineffective, death-dealing diabetes drugs which testings are not sufficient yet. Former FDA commissioner Herbert Leonard Ley, Jr. said in a US Senate hearing commented that people think FDA is protecting them when it is not. What it actually does and what the public think are as different as night and day.
The political and financial influence in the diabetes medical community also rules the medical insurance industry. It is harder to find a group medical insurance that covers alternative medical treatments, since it mostly covers only orthodox medical treatment, which is standard in all places. It is known that there very few licensed naturopaths in the US, about 1,400 in 11 states, compared to over 3.4 million orthodox licenses in all states; allowing diabetes deceptions to stay at large. Eventually, only diabetes treatments approved by licensed practitioners are insurable which creates more money within the traditional drug and medical industry.

The medical community influence virtually controls diabetes publications since they are being paid by diabetes supplies. That is why when looking for a magazine about diabetes, look at the page first if it is not full of ads about diabetes supplies.

Marine Phytoplankton’s Role in Diabetes

In the past, marine phytoplankton was regarded possible treatment for diabetes. Now, it is already becoming understood that it can help in the treatment of all types of diabetes. In fact, it is a cure for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Today’s era has acknowledged the beneficial effects of marine phytoplankton in diabetes management. It is even regarded as a cure for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The best thing is it is a natural treatment that can address the main cause of the illness. Furthermore, it helps decrease the symptoms that go with diabetes. Because of being natural, no drug can equal its effects.
Patients with diabetes have high levels of glucose in the blood because of either two causes – lack of insulin (type 1 diabetes) or insulin resistance (the body does not listen to insulin. This is called type 2 diabetes). High blood sugar always makes the body prone to many infections. Type 1 diabetes treatment is to mainly add insulin to the body while for type 2 diabetes, fight obesity through diet and exercise.

Marine phytoplankton

As a natural element used to cure diabetes, phytoplankton lessens the sugar in the body’s bloodstream and treats the symptoms that go with diabetes like general malaise, thirst, appetite issues and frequent urination.
When using phytoplankton to treat diabetes, the individual should keep up the intake very carefully. Failure to do so can make blood glucose levels to rise dangerously, and that is when phytoplankton intake is being maintained improperly or when stopped abruptly.

For type 2 diabetes when insulin resistance is the issue, some membranes of the cells in the liver undergo inflammation, oxidization and toxicity. Phytoplankton fights these through its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant component. Marine phytoplankton likewise detoxifies the cells thereby removing and solving the problem of the body’s resistance to insulin.

Marine phytoplankton therefore cures both types of diabetes – type 1 and type 2. Likewise, it boosts the immune system. The immune system repair is critical since it is the major cause of type 1 diabetes – an abnormality wherein the immune system does not recognize its own body parts and attacks the insulin-producing pancreas. Lowered immune systems are common with diabetics that is why patients have to be very careful to infected wounds, common colds and infections of all sorts.

Maggot Therapy or Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT) and the Healing of Wounds

Maggot therapy or MDT can also help diabetics help treat the illness the healing of wounds.


Maggot therapy can be applied to cure diabetics. Also known as larva/larval/larvae therapy or Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT), biosurgery or biodebridement, is a type of therapy that involves disinfected fly larvae which is live called maggots to clean the necrotic tissue in a wound (debridement). It is been said that maggots have been used for wound healings in the past especially by Maya Indians and Australia’s Aboriginal tribes.

It has been said that during warfare, maggot therapy were used by physicians to heal soldiers wounds and that less mortality and morbidity was observed. One of these noted military physicians was Baron Dominique Larrey, Napoleon’s general surgeon. He reported in 1798-1801 during Egyptian campaign of France in Syria, that some fly species only destroy dead tissues and have positive wound healing effects. A medical officer of American Civil War Dr. Joseph Jones also noted that maggot therapy or MDT can clean and heal wounds faster and better than any other agent, and that they have saved lots of lives.

Dr. William S. Baer, an orthopedic surgeon during World War I was aware of the maggots’ effective wound healing. He observed a soldier who had large flesh wounds in the scrotum and abdomen and compound femur fractures, was left for several days but was able to sustain. Upon arrival in the hospital, he had no fever despite exposure to elements for a long period of time, and without water and food. When his clothes were removed, they found that he is in maggot therapy (MDT) with thousands of maggots were seen filling the wounds. When these maggots were detached, they were surprised to see no bare bone and the surrounding wound areas were covered with beautiful pink tissues that anyone could not have imagined.

Maggot therapy and diabetes

For diabetes, maggot therapy can be used to treat wounds in legs and feet. A study had been conducted with patients who had leg and foot ulcers who failed conventional therapy. A comparison was made between traditional therapy and maggot therapy. For 20 patients who had ulcers that are non-healing, 6 had their wounds treated conventionally, 6 with maggot therapy then 8 conventionally first then maggot after.

After 14 days, those treated conventional ly had no debridement while those with maggot therapy had their necrotic tissue decreased by about 4.1 cm2 (P = 0.02). After 5 weeks, those treated conventionally still had 33% of their surface covered with necrotic tissue while those with MDT -treated wounds were already debrided (P=0.001) just even after 4 weeks.

They then conclude that maggot therapy treatment heals wounds faster and even promote quick granulation tissue growth. Maggot therapy is more efficient in debriding non-healing leg and foot ulcers in diabetics than the conventional care.

Malfunctioning of the Immune System – Root Cause of Type 1 Diabetes

When the immune system, the body’s major protector malfunctions, it can create serious health problems. In type 1 diabetes, the immune system cannot recognize the insulin-producing part of the pancreas anymore. It regards and attacks it as an enemy. Poor pancreas is destroyed and cannot produce insulin anymore.

If the body’s immune system malfunctions, fatal health problems occur. Being a major defense, its destruction can mean destruction of the entire body as well. It can cause type 1 diabetes, Alzheimer, arthritis, thyroidism and many more.
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes make the blood stream concentrated with sugar. As a result, the blood stream becomes a paradise for microorganisms to thrive since it now becomes a rich reserve of food. This part now becomes conducive to bacteria, yeast and other parasites to multiply. This makes the immune system deregulated and dwarfed, making the body vulnerable to infections.

That is why we can see diabetics having multiple bacterial, fungal and yeast infections; infections which take time and longer to heal than those who have no diabetes. In order to stop these parasites and infections, the immune system should do its job with regards to blood sugar control especially in type 1 diabetes.
Hemoglobins HbA1C or A1C are believed to be related to the immune system. Diabetologists and physicians believe that HbA1C and blood sugars are directly proportional. When HbA1C figures are high, blood sugar is also high and when HbA1C figures are low, blood sugar is also low. High blood sugar likely depicts a weak immune system.

Even addressing overweight to prevent or correct type 2 diabetes should be in an immunological perspective; and such is possible with healthy pair of exercise and nutritious diet. To make it healthy, feed the immune system with less saturated fats, more omega-3 oils and lots of vegetables and fruits.

A healthy immune system means no more type 1 diabetes

Diabetes can be cured when the immune system is or becomes healthy. A trial has been done with diabetes patients. Curing the immune system with the use of the bone marrow cells of the patients themselves, freed them from type 1 diabetes and from insulin dependence or medication. After the procedure, the participants did not need insulin therapy for 18 months. One patient even lasted 3 years without injections for insulin.

It is noteworthy that type 1 diabetes occurs in young people and adults when the immune system goes wrong and mistakenly attacks the insulin-producing part of the pancreas, resulting insulin deficiency, high blood sugar levels and diabetes. Thus, a malfunctioning immune system is the root cause of type 1 diabetes. The first step is to stop the immune system from attacking the pancreas.

Herbal and Botanical Innovations for Healthy Glucose Levels

Herbal and botanical innovations should not be discounted when it comes to keeping healthy glucose levels. Since they are part of nature, they have natural ingredients that effectively give advantageous benefits that contribute to keeping us generally healthy.

Using herbal and botanical remedies of achieving healthy glucose levels is one of the most effective ways of treating diabetes. While these natural treatments have “miraculous” healing powers, one should still consult the experts and should not directly substitute them to existing medications.

The following are discovered by botanical and science research which are said to be great contributors to healthy blood glucose levels:

Bitter melon

Bitter melon has shown ability to enhance the cell’s reaction to glucose, control insulin effect and enhance the release of insulin. Furthermore, it helps normalize fasting glucose, lower triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL).


United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Dr. Richard Anderson discovered that cinnamon’s significant use is normalizing and regulating glucose. Cinnamon has been discovered by herbal and medical innovations to being capable of lowering cholesterol and triglycerides by reviving the ability of the body’s other cells and fats to react to insulin.

American Ginseng (AM)

American Ginseng contributes to lowering blood glucose levels, controlling diabetes and reducing other risks like hypertension, hyperlipidemia. It also improves the control of insulin resistance. It shows effective ability to change the rate of nutrient absorption in the small bowel.


Allium sativum, more known as garlic is noted to offer good effects in circulation of blood, has antioxidant properties and slows insulin degradation. So far, there are still few studies that prove the positive effects of garlic to blood sugar levels; but the results are positive.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one great herbal and botanical innovation that contributes to lowering diabetics’ blood glucose levels. It is a household plant that looks like a cactus. It exists generally everywhere and known to treat burns, heal wounds and are used as after-sun lotion. Aloe vera is regarded as a healing herb and its gel and sap which are taken from the leaves’ inner portion are used to treat diabetes traditionally.

Take Time to Scrooge in Diabetes Management

Diabetics tend to scrooge at times at the course of diabetes management. Scrooging is when you think about yourself first and tend to be greedy and self-centered, traits that may sound negative yet can be converted to positive when it comes to diabetes management.

“Scrooge” when it comes to diabetes management is for diabetics to be self-centered. That is important and understandable as diabetics should think of themselves topmost when it comes to illness management. Taking care of oneself first can make him capable of taking care of the others such as family members, friends, co-workers and other loved ones.

Ebenezer Scrooge

The term Scrooge comes from the character of the 1843 novel “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. His name is Ebenezer Scrooge - a greedy, tight-fisted and cold-hearted person who despised Christmas and anything that can give happiness to people. How is Scrooge connected to diabetes management?

Scrooge and diabetes management

When greed is applied to diabetes management, something beneficial can happen. Scrooge for diabetes management is to gear towards self-love, if that means greedy then be it. Testing blood sugar to ensure it is at a safe range is good. Other diabetes management routines that implicate “scrooge” and “self-love” are good for the patient with diabetes. Examples are proper diabetes management may help avoid abnormal glucose levels that affect your energy and mood level; follow-up care with a healthcare provider help decrease the risk of developing complications; buying diabetes supplies are good for the management of the illness; buying healthier foods are better than buying junk foods that your family members like more since you might be tempted to have them yet they are not good for you.

Airing your voice and concerns can be a form of scrooge but better diabetes management means being open to family and friends which enhances open communication such as making low blood glucose treatments available and following a specific time in eating meals daily. It also requires self-love to exercise to burn fats and keep your heart healthy.

Being scrooge in diabetes management may sound cruel. However, it is much needed to achieve the goal of a safer glucose levels and healthier living.

Low-Carb Desserts for Diabetics and Non-Diabetics

Low carb desserts are good for diabetics and non-diabetics alike. These are foods, supposedly sweet that can be enjoyed especially by those with “sweet tooth”, and for diabetics, without fear of blood sugar rise.

The internet has a lot of popular recipes of low-carb desserts which are good for all people who are health-conscious, not just for diabetics. Their ingredients are sweeteners with zero-carbohydrates and they are at the same time, gluten- and wheat-free.

Some yummy low-carb desserts

Here are a list of the many-favorites desserts, all are low of carbohydrates. Cheesecake, strawberry cheesecake; chocolate mousse which is chocolate-rich and intensed that even a small amount can fill or satisfy you; easy-to-prepare chocolate peanut butter fudge which requires a simple mix in a bowl and packing it in a pan, you cannot even believe how good it is; the yummy strawberry shortcake in which a basic muffin recipe can make up the base of this gluten- and wheat-free treat.

Another member of the low-carbs desserts list is the pumpkin pie which is always yummy and easy to make. Diabetics love it and it can also be in the pecan crust or a plain, baked pumpkin custard; lemon cheesecake which secret of lemon-filled but not sour is the sour cream topping; coconut macaroons composed of only 4 ingredients which you can mix, bake and enjoy with an afternoon tea.
There are sugar-free and low-carb cookies and others that are yummy such as chocolate coconut cookies, cranberry walnut, raspberry fool, peanut butter cups, miracle brownies that are delicious, healthy and with flax seeds; raspberry chiffon squares and many more.

Low-carb desserts anytime

You do not need to wait for a Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, birthdays or any occasion to prepare these yummy but safe-to-the-blood-sugar desserts. They can be enjoyed anytime of the year.

Common Diseases in Type 1 Diabetes

There are some common diseases found in adults and kids who have type 1 diabetes. Patients with this illness have high risk for other diseases as well, most of which are autoimmune disorders.

Some other common diseases may bother patients with type 1 diabetes. A patient for example, felt sluggish and tired but checking on her blood sugar, it is at a safe and normal range so her family thought she was just fine. Later did they realize that a problem was lurking which caused the fatigue. Medical tests then showed that the patient got problems in her thyroid.

Albeit diabetes health care team who surrounds the type 1 diabetic monitor the patient for other problems that may complicate from diabetes, the immediate family of the patient should know and be watchful of the patient always and report to the doctors immediately whatever they see as abnormal so that proper treatment shall be applied quickly.

Autoimmune disorders

Type 1 diabetes is one of the common diseases caused by an autoimmune disorder. An autoimmune disorder is a body condition wherein its immune system does not recognize a body part and attacks it as if it is a foreign invader. With type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroys that insulin-producing part or cell of the pancreas resulting to insulin deficiency, high blood sugar and diabetes.
Type 1 diabetics are also at risk of other diseases caused by this autoimmune disorder, not necessarily caused by diabetes. Doctors are not sure of the exact cause of an autoimmune disorder except for reasons of genetic factors or heredity.

Other autoimmune diseases

Patients with type 1 diabetes might also develop problems such as thyroid, celiac, Addison’s and associated endocrinopathies. These can already be present before, on or after the person is diagnosed with diabetes.

Befriend the Scale with Better Body Weight

Now that we heard the shocking news that even underweight people are at risks of diabetes, the more we need the weighing scale to watch over our body weights, regularly and at all ages.

We need the weighing scale more to monitor our body weights. Knowing that the ideal and healthy Body Mass Index of 20 to 25 should be maintained at all times. How can this be done? With our friendly weighing scale, of course!

Many struggle to keep and maintain a healthy weight as we grow old, and this proves to be most worth-doing. If you are underweight, struggle to gain more weight. If you are overweight, avoid pre-diabetes by losing weight of up to 5 to 10 percent. If you have diabetes, losing weight can greatly improve control of your blood sugar rising and can reduce the need for medication.

It is recommended that you weigh yourself during the morning when the scale is more accurate since consumption of various foods and drinks during the day affects the weight. Even clothes and shoes can contribute 3 to 5 pounds. Daily weighing is not accurate as weight somehow goes up and down day to day and the figures might not be encouraging. It is not suggested by most weight loss programs. It is better to keep a record of your weight twice a week.

Weighing scale limit

Limit the weighing scale use to body weight only as it is designed to serve you that way. There are two types – mechanical and digital. Mechanical scales are those with dials that are needle which seems to be more fragile and less accurate than digital.

Digital scales are easy to read and have larger numbers in reading the weight. Those professional scales you can find in your doctor’s offices or gyms are likely more accurate than scales at your homes.

Your goal – 20 to 25 BMI; your scale’s goal – to give you the body weight figure that contribute to your BMI goal.

Diabetes and Underweight

We have been told that overweight and diabetes are twins. Now, a study have revealed that underweight and diabetes are twins too. Read on.

The dangers of being fat have been told over and over again, about its link to diabetes. However, new studies of Nutrition Journal revealed that diabetes can also happen if you are underweight. Thus, not only that obese people are at high risk, but also the underweights.

Five decades ago, diabetes was not a known thing. When people start to live the Western way of living like fast foods, TVs, fast-paced life – people get more weight and diabetes become popular. In the US, almost 1 out of 10 has type 2 diabetes. It could have been prevented with a healthier lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes caused by the Western style o f living results to insulin injections needs.

A study in Germany

The University of Luebeck in Germany studied 3 groups of healthy and fit young adult men for diabetes(obese, normal weight and underweight), to find out early signs of diabetes in them. They underwent “glucose clamp” procedure in a most sensitive test to find out if they someone already starts to acquire diabetes, measuring the glucose tolerance for each subject.

The obese group showed having an impaired glucose tolerance, as expected and on their way to type 2 diabetes in a few years time. More surprising was that the same result was true to underweight men! Both overweight and underweight groups of men showed signs that they are heading to a life of blood sugar tests, carbohydrates counting and tablets for diabetes.

Safest Body Mass Index (BMI)

What is common between overweight and underweight?
While health promotions by the government are made for the public to curtail the appetite for sweets, chocolates and cakes, this research prompts us that there is another thing we should avoid and be scared of – being skinny! This research concludes that a BMI of 20-25 is best for reducing health problems risk. Thus, be in the normal weight all the time. Befriend your weighing scale and check your weight regularly and make necessary adjustments.

Mind-setting for a Diet

Mind-setting for a diet is important for you to cope with diabetes fast. Once diagnosed with diabetes, expect that your doctor and other health professionals will give you recommendations especially in meal plans. If you are not used to eating healthy foods, it might be difficult at first. However, if you set your mind on it, it can be less hard for you.

Catching the symptoms of diabetes earlier is better. You can start mind-setting yourself for a diet that is healthier and safer. Especially if you are still at the pre-diabetes stage, you can resort to changing your diet and exercise habits so as to prevent the occurrence of diabetes or if diabetes is already present, reversing it. This likewise reduce your risk for complications that can affect your eye, heart, kidney and other organs.
To mindset yourself for a diet, you may follow the steps below.
Metabolic syndrome
Your pre-diabetes diagnosis can mean metabolic syndrome, a condition in which metabolism is slowed down due to either of the following - physical inactivity, overeating, age or genetics. Make sure to fight this metabolic syndrome. Do mind-setting and give yourself to a diet that can fight metabolic syndrome.
Portion control
Healthy diet is not just about choosing the food to eat, but limiting the quantity to take. Your daily calorie diet should be 20% from protein, 30% from fats and 50% from carbohydrates. Your diet should be more fiber, low in sugar and free of caffeine.
Keep going
Go for physical activities. Perform exercise. It helps your body process foods effectively. Exercise can make you feel healthier and happier. 30 minutes of physical activity daily is recommended.
Keep it simple
Having a diet with simple easily-available foods are easy to keep and follow. Foods that are simple and easy to prepare are easy to take too. Keeping the diet simple can make mind-setting for that diet a lot easier.

Plan ahead

Starting a diet can be scary but the things mentioned above can help you prepare for a diet mentally. Find ways to look for many diet options which fits you realistically so it can work for you effectively. Healthy diet plans vary from person to person.

Motivate yourself

Every person needs motivation to succeed. Decide the real reason why you go for your health diet anyway. For example, if you want to lose weight, have a scale available anytime. Try on the fitting clothes you have. You can speak with a nutritionist or a trainer who can give you information that can motivate you more.
At the start, preparing for a diet might be challenging. However, you can learn to be used to it as you go along.

Make Your Kitchen Diabetes-Friendly

To help patients cope up with diabetes, it matters a lot to make their kitchen diabetes-friendly, meaning, it should contain foods that help fight diabetes.

Kitchens that are diabetes-friendly are those who have the right foods on hand. Either you are preparing for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks; you still can stick to the meal plan recommended by your health professionals. A healthy meal plan which ingredients are contained in your refrigerator or pantry.
Diabetes management can become easier for patients with diabetes if he gets enough support from the people who live with him, or who are close to him. Likewise, it is much better if his surroundings are conducive to fighting against the disease.

Diabetes-friendly pantry

The pantry must hold grains, beans and pastas with high-fiber so as to keep the blood sugar level safe and balanced, as well as prevent heart diseases. Kitchens or pantries should have canned beans that are also diabetes-friendly. They can be pinto, garbanzo, red kidney and navy beans. Grains must be barley, brown rice or oats; bread should be pancake, low-carb whole wheat.


The fridge must contain vegetables, fresh fruits, low-fat dairies, lean meats and other foods that contain the essential fiber, minerals and vitamins. Fresh fruits may include cherries, berries, peaches, tangerines, oranges, grapes, grapefruit, plums, kiwi, melons and water melons. Veggies like broccoli, spinach, eggplant, cauliflower, cucumber, Romaine lettuce, radishes, mushrooms, cabbage, snow peas, asparagus, green beans, carrots, tomatoes and garlic.


When you do shopping, make sure you read labels in foods and know its fat content, salt and carbohydrates. Many products have nutritional value but you have to carefully choose them. Stocking food that are not healthy for you can tempt you to take them. So, ensure that even the stock of foods you have in your kitchen are already safe in themselves.
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