Thursday, February 17, 2011

Diabetes and Sports

Diabetes has always been recommending exercise to help maintain blood glucose levels to a safe range. However, can we link exercise and sports? Sports is different. It has a win or lose chance and might be more strenuous than mere exercise. Read on.

Physical activity

While patients with diabetes need physical activity or exercise, sports is actually a voluntary option. While exercising, the muscles that contract can do what an insulin can, taking glucose from the blood rapidly. For those without diabetes, insulin production is balanced.

Diabetics need to adjust their dosage of insulin and carbohydrates before, during and after exercise to avoid hypoglycemia or low blood glucose concentration or hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). At the same time, exercise can help avoid the occurrence of obesity, a situation diabetics are dreadful of.


The good thing about sports is that exercise comes with it as a natural bonus. Diabetics just have to be vigilant and careful.

There are a lot of diabetic patients (mostly have uncomplicated diabetes or have no other serious disease), who go into sports like ordinary people. However, there is still a need for precautions, doctor’s care and self-care.

In fact, many of them become champions and excel at elite levels in many forms of sports. One of the most popular diabetic athlete is Sir Steven Redgrave, 5-time gold medalist in rowing representing Great Britain from 1984 to 2000. He was found to have diabetes two years before the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games.

We can also find awesome accomplishments and admirable examples from diabetic athletes who excel in professional and school sports.

Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia signs and symptoms

It is equally important for parents, coaches, friends, trainers and other people surrounding an athlete with diabetes to help the person detect signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) and hyperglycemia (high blood glucose).

Signs of hypoglycemia includes nausea, headache, difficulty in speech, sweating, hunger confusion, pounding heart and drowsiness. For hyperglycemia, nervousness, restlessness, fatigue, thirst, muscle cramps, blurred vision and abdominal pain.

Are Protein Bars Good for Diabetes?

Protein bars come in variety. They are easy to eat and they provide energy for you body with all the convenience. However, as diabetics are watching the food that they take, it comes up to our thoughts, are protein bars good for diabetes?

Protein bars

Protein bars are convenient snack bars that can help someone, even without diabetes to satisfy his hunger. Protein bars are said to contain small carbohydrates and calories, and as the name implies, contains more protein for healthy eating.

Protein bars come in many forms…and many brands. Some are chocolate-coated, some contain peanut butter or marsh mallows and many more. Most of the protein bars are expensive though. They are usually found in healthy stores.

The quantity of protein bars to take should depend on your dietary protein requirements and this is what should be looked for in a protein bar. Ideally, you can aim for 1-2 g per kg of body weight everyday. Protein bars have an average of 20g protein though some have 30 g.

Protein bars for diabetics

Some people with diabetes do like the taste and convenience of protein bars, despite its cost, and find them beneficial mainly because their blood sugar levels remain in the safe range. They just have to look at the flavor and brand that fits them.

Some patients with diabetes found out that their blood sugar levels are affected every time they take protein bars and pointed that the culprit are the protein bars.

Aside from protein, carbohydrates in protein bars are important since they are a source of energy especially if you are at workouts. Simple carbs however like sugar can give initial burst of energy, makes you feel tired afterwards and can lead to diabetes. Make sure to look for protein bars containing less sugar especially if you have diabetes and which sources of carbs are oats, oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Do not go for bars which carb sources are dextrose, sugar or corn syrup.

Healthy fats are needed by the body. However, saturated and trans fat increase the risk for heart disease and increase bad cholesterol levels. As much as possible, look for protein bars containing essentially fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). CLA and MCT can help improve body composition by helping burn fats.

Calories in protein bars vary. Choose one that jibes with your dieting goals. If you are in a diet program, go for low-calorie bars like 200 calories or less.

Protein bars can be good even for people with diabetes but a good healthy meal cannot be substituted by protein bars. They should be taken only at times when taking regular meals is not possible.

Diabetes Legs - For Amputation or Not?

Diabetes causes a lot of amputations all over the world. The statistics are still alarming. For patients with diabetes, amputation is second to hopelessness. And why should not be? Amputation means losing a part of you. Yet, is there a choice?

Many warnings have been given to patients with diabetes in order to avoid complications and amputation. Self-care, maintaining blood glucose levels, eating healthy food, living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of the body parts especially the feet are very important.


Wounds for diabetics are dangerous. They have the tendency to be healed slowly or get infected. Slow healing process is a common thing for diabetes. If you have wounds, get immediate medical help as soon as possible. Accept even the most drastic type of treatment. That is important to avoid amputation.

Let your doctor heal even simple corns, bunions and callouses. If you heal them yourself, you might be able to damage a tissue or let bacteria be introduced into the area. Both damaged tissues and presence of bacteria in people with diabetes can lead to infections, especially in wounds, then never damage and eventually amputation.

Foot care

Foot care is very important if you are a diabetic. The presence of diabetes makes it possible to hinder blood flow to your feet and causes damage of the nerves. Even small injuries can develop into an open sore or ulcer and that is difficult to treat.

If the infection damages the bone and tissue severely, amputation becomes necessary. Amputation is one of the worst case scenarios for a lot of diabetes complications.

Your doctor can help

Your doctor can help you heal your wounds, especially those in the feet, to avoid amputation. As much as possible, even if you have diabetes for a long time, you want to preserve your limbs and avoid amputation.

You can talk to your doctor regarding your desire to avoid amputation and he may recommend some tips for you to help them heal your body. Modern medicine now offers new techniques for wound healing technologies.

Even if the wound in the foot has become worse, amputation is impossible especially in cases of older people. Then they have to go into other alternatives like a small operation on the foot to remove the infection and medication for anti-biotics can be needed.

Amputation is the final decision for worst cases. The doctor has to amputate your leg because it is dead and might decay and rot within you. Even with diabetes, you cannot afford to have a decayed and rotten thing attached to you. Amputation can also be important to prevent the infection or bacteria spread to other parts of your legs and body.

As much as possible, you want to save your limbs. Take care of your feet. Be alert when wounds occur even simple ones as ingrown nails. Even if these happen, your doctor can find a way to save your leg. If amputation is the last resort, think that is being done basically to save your life in general. Having no leg does not deprive you of life and normal living anyway.

How are Diabetics Affected by Cold Climate?

Though it is said that many type 1 diabetics develop the illness during cold climates or winter rather than during hot or summer days especially with the white race or Caucasians, there are studies who revealed that in Sardinia, the risk of diabetes is similarly high. Sardinia is an island in the warm Mediterranean close to Italy. Thus, it opposes the concept that cold climate is a risk factor for the development of diabetes.

Weather or climate either hot or cold does not affect diabetics directly, but indirectly. Blood glucose levels does not fluctuate with hot or cold climates, but it does affect on the diabetics health habits such as eating and exercise.

Healthy eating and exercise are two of the best ways to stay healthy with people who are having diabetes. These habits though can be influenced by how hot and cold the temperature is.

Likewise, bad or cold weather can lead to anxiety and depression which can affect management of blood sugar levels.

How cold weather affects diabetics

Exercise is essential for diabetics since it can take up glucose or sugar from the bloodstream. However, can you still exercise with cold weather? Diabetics cannot afford to sacrifice exercise because of cold climates.

Exercise beneficial effects last only 24 to 72 hours, so it is important that diabetics must do it regularly for a continuous process of muscles drawing sugar from the blood. Blood sugar should not wait for the cold weather to be warm lest it will adversely affect the entire body.
On the other hand, braving with wet or cold climate is not recommended for people with diabetes. There is a possibility that frostbite and wet feet can get abrasions or blisters due to reduced circulation and sensation. Low or bad circulation can make the healing process slower and the wound is prone to infection.

Exercise in cold weather

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that diabetics can do exercise even during winter or cold climates. Exercise to be healthy, does not need to really do it outdoors.

First, consult your physician or healthcare provider on your type and time of exercise, especially if you do this for the first time. Indoor exercise can be walking at the mall, swimming in the pool, exercise in a gym or a health club. Exercising at home or doing house works is also very effective like mopping, vacuuming, dusting or doing laundry with music can be equally enjoyable and effective.

How is Diabetes Affected by Warm Climate?

Patients with diabetes may find it difficult to cope with a warm climate. This is especially if they already have developed nerve damage or neuropathy. Yet, warm or hot climate is something that cannot be avoided. People with diabetes must know how to deal with warm climate in case they are trapped.

People with diabetes may find it difficult to sweat and cool the body during warm climates. Many diabetics are not aware that there are more dehydration, hospitalizations and death happening when the weather is hot or warm. Yet, they do not put more seriousness in focusing on keeping healthy in this situation.

During hot or warm climate, sweat rates stop in the skin and body of diabetics. For this reason, it cannot cool the body and it is not an advantage.
Also, hot temperatures especially summer lead to high humidity and heat stress among the population and diabetics most likely to suffer from this.
What diabetics can do

For diabetics with neuropathy, they have to take care of themselves more. People with diabetes should be more cautious in avoiding the heat especially during warm climates, like going early in the morning or after dark. As much as possible, avoid caffeine and the drinks that contain it like tea, coffee, sodas and alcohol. Drinking water is also important to stay hydrated.

Exercise in gyms that have air-conditioner, cover yourself with some protection with breathable, light fabric clothing when going outside.


The power of insulin can be affected by warm temperature. For patients who are taking insulin, ask your doctor or health care team as you may want to cut down on insulin pump reservoir. You may ask if you can change the current insulin so as to retain its power.

For people with diabetes, please take note that you should be very careful of where to place or store insulin during warm climates or even cold weather. Insulin breaks down or will not work if it is exposed to extreme temperatures.

Diabetics Beware When Emergency Arise!

Diabetes hits a million people all over the world already. Diabetics do not have enough insulin to push sugar into the cells, thereby sugar stays in the blood. However depressing, diabetes is a manageable disease and patients can be fine with proper care, medication and discipline. When the unexpected incidents happen, it is important to know how to deal with diabetes-related emergency.

Patients with diabetes are often injected with sufficient insulin and medications. There are times when blood glucose goes too low (hypoglycemia) or goes too high (hyperglycemia). When this happens, emergency might arise.

Short-term complications

Short-term complications are called as such because they can happen quickly – high or low blood glucose levels that are out of control. They can reach very dangerous levels and result in a need for emergency or even hospitalization.

Short-term complications must be looked at as a medical emergency and should be taken seriously. Taking care of it on your own can be deadly. It might need a quick visit to the ER, a long stay at the hospital. Whatever it will be, get some help for yourself. Most of the time, you badly needed it.

Regular monitoring of blood glucose

Most diabetes complications that are severe and lead to emergency cases come from abnormal blood glucose levels, most of the time, if it’s high. Abnormal glucose levels do not happen if you monitor your blood glucose levels regularly. It is not difficult to do nowadays because of the availability of meters today.

Short term complications usually happens to those who cannot monitor their blood glucose levels like children, seniors who live alone or diabetics who have medical conditions. If you already experience a trauma or medical event, monitor your blood glucose levels more for you will most likely have more short term complications.

Your responsibility

The real story is that diabetes can affect your normal way of life. If you are a student, you will find it difficult to study or take tests. Or if you are driving, you may run into trouble with authorities. Or lose a prospective client or employer.

It is also your responsibility to stay away from emergency situations by disciplining yourself in monitoring your blood glucose and let it stay at a normal range. That can be done by eating healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle.

Dealing with Diabetes in an Economic Way

The world’s economic turndown affects even the most ordinary income earner. It has been difficult for all, but for those dealing with diabetes, staying healthy in an economic way is more challenging.

An economic challenge

Amputations, blindness, chronic pain, heart attacks, neuropathy, mental decline, depression….diabetes has been a weakening disease like any other, but can it thrive in an economic way?

That is why, patients with diabetes need to be more keen on eating healthy food, the world’s economic situation makes food entrepreneurs also deal with competition to maximize business, resulting to sacrifice of the healthy nutrients of food.

This poses a challenge to diabetics. They cannot just go for cheap alternatives and suffer their health, which is most expensive if it falters.

Pasta for example, is basically a healthy food for diabetics with fiber in it, but the need for speed manufacturing makes the coarse durum wheat or typical semolina pasta, thinner and with lesser fiber. Although good for businessmen, this industry changes are not good for people with diabetes. This is one of the challenges in dealing with the diabetes illness in an economic way.

Cheap alternatives

Studies made before showed that patients with diabetes can stop taking insulin if they deal with it in a healthy way such as regular exercising and eating food with high complex-carbohydrate or high-fiber food.

If these foods become expensive, people with diabetes need not worry. There are a variety of alternatives which are less expensive. Examples of which are legumes, beans, grains like oat bran or oats and vegetables. These foods can actually treat diabetes naturally.

Exercise is one of the best ways to keep the blood glucose levels in a safe range. Dealing with diabetes does not necessarily be expensive. There are ways to do it in an economic way. Anyone can do exercise anywhere anytime – at home, at the gym, at the park during early mornings or anytime of the day.


Patients with diabetes can live with the disease manageably. However, they just do not have to depend so much on their doctors and medications. They have a great role too for their own benefit. Discipline is the key…discipline to eat healthy foods and live a healthy lifestyle.

Many disciplined people with diabetes end up not needing their medications anymore and continue live a healthy, happy and normal life.

Dating: To Tell or Not to Tell That You Have Diabetes

Dating for people with diabetes is quite different. Diabetics have an everyday fight to control blood sugar levels and to live a normal healthy life through healthy diet and habits, but with a potential partner, revealing that you are diabetic can be a sweat experience.

Dating with someone who does not know that you have diabetes can be burdensome rather than sweet and romantic. Your partner will wonder why you have some inhibitions in the kind of food you take, or the drinks you order, or wonder for the limited time you can spend.

When should you tell?

Some diabetics prefer not to tell their dates at first. However, they then realized they had to before their dates would think they are weird. The first priority is always taking care of yourself as a diabetic and the rest will just follow normally.

Some experience being hurt, especially when the potential partner shall not go on a second date anymore. At least, you know earlier that you are not meant for each other. If the person you are dating accepts you, he or she accepts the diabetes that goes with you too.

It is best to tell your potential partner earlier in fairness to you both. Do not worry. The right person will give you the right reaction. The person who can accept you as what you are will stick with you, and even provide help and support when you need it. At least there is no more to hide when you go on dating. That shall make your time together sweeter and more romantic.

The best person stays

Telling your date that you have diabetes might require proper timing which you should also consider.

When you reveal it, the person you are dating maybe shocked at first learning that you have diabetes but whatever his or her reaction, it is something that you already should anticipate and ready to accept. It is better if you can deal and handle it subtly and casually. If you seem not to be stressed, they will mostly be not stressed too.

Your diabetes will weed the bad ones. It helps you know that those who stick around are the best potential lifetime partners.

A girl with a diabetic boyfriend said that when her boyfriend told her he has diabetes, she understood him better and found the reason why he was sometimes shaking or have difficulty speaking. She still accepted him as what he is. Her advice? Do not be afraid to tell the person you are dating that you have diabetes. Love can make wonders.

Happy dating!

When A College Student Has Diabetes

College and diabetes is a challenging pair. A student life is already hectic and diabetes can pose some difficulties in studying, focusing and other activities necessary to succeed in school.

Attending college

Patients with diabetes who attend college have to make extra effort and time for their diabetes care. They are not like the other students because of the presence of diabetes but their self-care is necessary to make everything go normally and well.

Going to college, especially apart from the family is more challenging. Aside from adjusting to a solo life, to a new environment and to a new group of people, students with diabetes have to pay more attention on the food served in school cafeterias, or food sold nearby, check blood glucose levels regularly, manage their medications and book for appointment with doctors.

Study hours

Included in the diabetes care is for college students not to stay awake late at nights and avoid fatigues or overwork. Playing computer games in a college life, or even partying-out are things that students with diabetes should avoid. These alone can make them different from the others. Yet, diabetics are special people. They can be beneficially different and unique. It just depends on how they accept it.

Studies and classes can also be affected with feelings of drowsiness or lethargy at times when blood glucose levels are high. While other students can spend their time studying, diabetics with uncontrolled blood sugar may spend most of the time in bed and feel left out especially when their grades are already adversely affected.

What can be done

Diabetic college students should be aware that colleges can support them with diabetes care. Some campuses have clinics or even special organizations formed by either faculty or students in order to help each other deal with diabetes. Friends, classmates and teachers can be part of the diabetic safety net.

Some students prefer not to be apart from home. They rather stay with their family who can help them with how to take care of themselves. Staying with the family can be a powerful alternative to avoid peer pressures like drinking or staying out uncontrollably.

Diabetics Mouth and Dental Care

Diabetics have high blood sugar in their entire body, including their gums and teeth. That means, flossing and brushing of teeth has plenty of things to do with diabetes. If you have diabetes, dental care matters significantly.

For both type 1 and type 2 diabetics, management of blood sugar level is the key. And so is dental care. The higher the sugar, the higher the risk of having tooth decay or cavities since supply of starches and sugar is high and more acid will wear your teeth.

Mouth, plaques, cavities and gingivitis

Naturally, the mouth has many types of bacteria. Plaque forms in the teeth, when this bacteria interacts with sugars and starches. Plaque acids attack the teeth enamel, or the hard surface, causing cavities or tooth decay.

If the plaque is not removed from the teeth, it will form into tartar, hardening under the gumline. This causes gingivitis, when plaque and tartar irritate the part of the gum around the teeth base called gingiva. This is gingivitis. For diabetics, avoiding this is the main goal of careful dental care. Gingivitis can also lead to more serious infections if left untreated. One of these complications is periodontitis.


Periodontitis destroys the bone and soft tissue the support the teeth, causing the gums and the teeth to be separated. Worse, periodontitis rises blood sugar levels making it difficult to control. Likewise, prevention and treatment of periodontitis can help control blood sugar.

Diabetes and oral care

Diabetes reduces the body’s ability to fight bacteria, including the fight of bacteria inside the mouth. It also slows down healing process and lowers the ability to resist infection.

Patients with diabetes have possibilities of having dry mouth. Diabetics have their high sugar decrease the flow of saliva that results in dry mouth. Dry mouth can cause infections, tooth decay, soreness and ulcers. That is why dental care is important.

Diabetics are also prone to thrush, a fungal infection of the tongue and mouth. This likewise causes burning tongue or mouth.

Oral care

To prevent oral problems, avoid smoking to avoid the development of periodontal disease and thrush. Smoking can obstruct flow of blood to the gums, which can affect healing of the wounds in the tissue area.

Diabetics should look after their mouth and teeth, visit the dentists regularly and do proper brushing and flossing.

A good toothbrush has nylon bristles that are soft and with rounded ends. Fluoride toothpaste keep the teeth strong. A mouthwash which is anti-bacterial can also be a good idea.

Diabetics can actually find it easy to do dental care since it can just be practiced as part of routine and habit.

Diabetes and Carbohydrates – a Pair to Watch

Diabetes has something to do with sugar. Carbohydrates is sugar too. People who have diabetes can not just ignore carbohydrates. Carbohydrates is part of everybody’s lives, including diabetics.

How do carbohydrates affect blood sugar?

For those who have diabetes, keeping an eye on blood sugar is important. Likewise, keeping track of carbohydrates is a must because it contributes to blood sugar.

Carbohydrates can be sugar or starch. Sugar like fructose, lactose and glucose. Starches which are found in potatoes, corn, breads, rice, cereals, grains and other starchy vegetables.

When taken, carbohydrates are converted to sugar glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream with the help of insulin. Then the body uses it for energy. Now, diabetics have problems with insulin, so the sugar is left in the blood, making blood sugar/glucose levels rise.

Therefore, one of the main sources of high blood sugar levels is carbohydrates.

The importance of carbohydrates

Though carbohydrates can be the culprit for high blood glucose in people with diabetes, there is no way to avoid them since they are also important parts of nutritious diets. Carbohydrates have beneficial benefits than soda or candy and they can provide vitamins and fiber which are much needed by the body.


Fiber, a part of carbohydrates, is needed by the body. It can help the body feel full and take a major role in keeping the digestive system to work properly.

Foods with more sugar like candy or soda are not healthy. They contain empty calories and if taken much, there might be no more room in the body for healthier food. They can also lead to overweight, obesity and tooth decay.

Balancing diabetes and carbohydrates

For diabetics, control blood sugar by balancing carbohydrates, insulin and physical activity. As much as possible, follow a healthy diet plan for carbohydrates to be under control all the time. For more advice on your health plan, ask your nutritionist, health professional or doctor.

Late-Night Eating for Diabetics, Safe Enough?

Sometimes it cannot be avoided for diabetics to find themselves in the middle of the night and still awake. Then they feel hungry and eat. However, questions sprout if late-night eating is good for their diabetic system or not.

People with diabetes are keen on their lifestyle, on the food they eat and on their eating habits. Late-night eating for diabetics is still an issue to discuss. To keep their blood glucose at a safety level and make things normal, people with diabetes have to live a healthy life and everything shall go smoothly.

Late-night food or snacks are not prohibited for diabetics. What is there to be more cautious about is these late-night eating should not lead to gaining weight. Weight gaining that lead to obesity is a no-no for diabetics.

Night-eating syndrome

Human beings centuries ago had no way to preserve food. So, they have to consume the food during daytime and had nothing to eat at nighttime. Our age solves the food preservation issue, making it possible to eat anytime, even do late-night eating. However, this increases the risk of over-eating for those who cannot discipline themselves, and for those who are diabetics.

Eating late at nights is healthy as long as it seldom done. However, some people take their daytime food normally, and eat at late-nights. This can lead to added sugar, calories and body weight.

People eat while watching television, or when they are craving for food or simply bored. This becomes a bad habit or they end up having night-eating-syndrome. Night-eating syndrome also happens to those who have depression, obesity and low self-esteem. This must be consulted to your doctor.

Wise food choices after dinner

Late-night eating for diabetics can add extra calories to the body and body weight as well. You may have high blood glucose in the next morning.

If you feel hungry after dinner, you might want to choose foods that have less carbohydrates and calories. These can be a small serving of sugar-free gelatin, one vanilla wafer, 2 saltine crackers, 5 baby carrots, a hard candy or a piece of gum. These can satisfy your hunger but do not give much sugar and calories.

It is far better to talk to your doctor about late-night eating and what food to choose. Your doctor can give you advice to balance food intake with your medications and insulin.

Diabetes and the Elderly

While diabetes becomes more prevalent, it strikes the elderly people more and type 2 diabetes is a growing problem among the elderly population. For the older people, diagnosing and treating diabetes requires a unique and flexible approach.

Diabetes in elderly people – what’s the difference?

When our bodies grow and age, many physiological changes happen. For elderly people, diabetes classic symptoms are not exhibited. Diabetes signs and symptoms are harder to spot.

Diabetes treatment for elderly people pose unique challenges since aging contributes to the complexity of diabetes treatment and diabetes care routine is harder.

Older people are more often weak and susceptible to illness. This makes diabetes-related complications more difficult to manage. Furthermore, problems may arise in areas like adapting a diet and exercise.

Some problems in elderly people are social issues, limited daily means, undiagnosed depression and coexisting health problems. All diabetes complication can occur amongst older patients. Many older people are also pre-disposed to lower-than-normal blood sugar levels.

Treatment of diabetes for the elderly

To decrease diabetes development among the population, it is highly recommended for adults over 45 years old to be screened for elevated blood sugar levels and retesting should be done every 3 years.

For elderly people who already have diabetes, care and treatment is unique but the main objective of which is to reduce complications.

For a 65 year-olds diabetics, it is said that life expectancy is about 15 years for men and 19 years for women. At 75, it is 9 years and 12 years respectively. This is because many elderly diabetics are expected to live a decade or more after diabetes diagnosis. Doctors, health professionals and clinicians are careful to reduce mortality and morbidity among patients who have diabetes and are elderly.

How Sweet Are You Honey?

Before sweet and honey, diabetes is the main issue. Basically, diabetes is a metabolism disorder. It is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin, a hormone that pushes the sugar in the blood to the cells. With less insulin, sugar remains in the blood and so are starches and carbohydrates. They are eliminated to the urine.

Eating just enough

We all know the importance of balance diet especially for diabetics. Furthermore, diabetics are more keen on sugar, sweet and honey.

Generally, eating excessively is gluttony and Nature can take its revenge. More carbohydrates, starch and sugar that a glutton eats cannot be utilized, so they are flushed to the urine and returned back to Nature. So the glutton does not benefit from his illegitimate gains. So, he must famish amidst plenty.

Thin people rarely acquire diabetes. Obese ones have excess starch and sugar which do not oxidize but rather form fats that disintegrate the body.

Now what can honey do?

Honey is a sweet brownish or yellowish fluid produced by bees from the nectar of flowers and is used as food.

It is a conventional wisdom that sweet and diabetes cannot go together. And so are honey and diabetes.

However, it is a surprising fact that the sugar balance in honey makes it different from ordinary sugar and artificial sweeteners. Honey is a different food.

Diabetics should ask their doctor what are the specific fruits that they can eat. One tablespoon of honey has a carbohydrate amount equivalent to a cup of quartered raw apple. Honey intake can produce a blood sugar response that is lower than an ordinary sugar or glucose-rich starches do.

Some studies say that honey consumption for several weeks can help lower blood sugar levels by more than 60 to 100 mg/dl at 60 to 90 minutes after ingestion of a comparable amount of sucrose.

Commonly though, sweet and honey intake should still be balance. Balance of food intake is important not only for diabetics but for the general population as well.

Diabetics though are more keen in food intake and balance diet and substituting sugar with honey should not be an abused privilege.

The Bothersome Itchiness!

Itchy skin can come from various problems related to diabetes kidney problems and nerve changes. That is why, the bothersome itchiness is most often, associated with diabetes. Itchy skin is a discomfort and annoyance. However, even with diabetics, there are ways to avoid itchiness.

Skin problems

Bothersome itchiness usually arises from skin problems. Skin problems are products of metabolic imbalances in the body triggered by diseases such as diabetes and some diabetes medications.

Diabetics usually experience fungal infections that create rashes of red areas that are moist and surrounded by scales and tiny blisters. These often occur in moist and warm folds of the skin such as under or around the nails, under the breasts, corners of the mouth, between fingers and toes, in the groin, armpits or under the foreskin of uncircumcised men.

Most common infections that cause itchiness are athlete’s foot, jock itch, a ring-shaped itchy patch called ringworm and vaginal infection.

Maintaining blood sugar level is still the key

For patients with diabetes, maintaining normal blood sugar levels is always the key. This can definitely help avoid skin problems and that bothersome itchiness.

Generally, cleanliness is of utmost importance. Washing with a mild soap, rinsing and drying yourself well are best habits to practice.

Make sure to check body areas where water can hide and see to it that they are clean and dry. These are under the arms, between legs, under the breasts and between fingers and toes. After washing, check your skin for red, dry or sore spots that might be venues for infection.

Having a scentless cream or lotion to keep your skin moist and not dry is also important. For those whose skins are particularly dry, ask for your doctor’s advice as what to apply.

To avoid skin problems and bothersome itchiness, keep your skin healthy and moist. Drinking plenty of water and fluids can be of help. For socks and underwear, it is suggested that you wear all-cottons since cotton lets the air move around your body and thus absorbs moisture well.

Diabetes and Wound Healing

Though still a focus of research, it is already accepted generally that the presence of diabetes affects the delay of wound healing and the increased risk of infection development. Thus, it is wise to pay more attention on diabetes care including blood glucose control to lower the risk of complications in wound healing.

Wound healing

With diabetes, inflammatory response to wound healing is impaired. High blood sugar level causes the cell walls to be rigid so that the blood flow through the small vessels of the wound surface is impaired likewise slowing down the flow of red blood cells. This cause deficiency of oxygen and nutrients in the wound which are important factors for wound healing.

Another effect of diabetes to wound healing is its ability to obstruct chemotaxis and phagocytosis.

To control wound infection, two processes are very important. One is chemotaxis, a process wherein white cells are attracted to the site of the infection. Two is phagocytosis, a process where bacteria is being absorbed by the white cells. When blood sugar is high, these two processes are compromised.

Another contribution of diabetes to wound healing delay is the changes of body composition as well as malnutrition of protein-calorie. Diabetics often lost lean body mass and this is unfavorably replaced with a fat mass that is metabolically inactive.

What can diabetics do

Patients with diabetes must have its primary goal of maintaining blood glucose levels to a normal range to minimize complications.

Food intake should typically avoid sodium, calories and fats. “Sugary” or sweet foods should be eliminated such as cake, ice cream and cookies.

Equally important is for diabetics to avoid cuts and wounds and frequently examine their bodies and skins for any. Checking the feet daily, wearing comfortable foot wears and avoiding dry skin are highly recommended.

The good news is these can help patient with diabetes speed up wound healing and yet these are simple and doable habits to develop.

Diabetes and Insomnia

High or low glucose levels can put one to sleep easily. Lack of sleep can make diabetes worse, and symptoms of diabetes symptoms can make it hard to sleep. That makes diabetes and insomnia closely related when it comes to sleeping.

Sleeping, diabetes and insomnia

Sleeping is one of the most important and valuable activity any living creature needs. Sleep does not give a mere refreshing and pleasant feeling but is necessary for good health as well as it repairs and relaxes the body during the duration. Sleep is now known to be a contributing factor to learning.

Insomnia is a condition when one has sleep difficulties. It is however more on “how rested the person is and that is how to know one has insomnia. Some may have short sleep but still is alert and energetic. Insomnia does not occur in this case. Or one sleep longer but still feels drowsy and tired the entire day. That is insomnia.

Insomnia and diabetes

Fast-paced society is taking its toll on our sleep and insomnia becomes common. Statistics show that an average person in America sleeps for about 7–7 1/2 hours a night. The average sleep duration a century ago was 9 hours. As a whole, the American population is sleep deprived, said Francis Buda, M.D., cofounder of the Atlanta Center for Sleep Disorders.

It is known that lack of sleep lead to long-term health effects such as accidents due to fatigue and lack of concentration. However, recent studies shows that it can lead to insulin resistance, higher levels of blood stress hormones and increase in appetite that leads to overweight and obesity. These are factors that contribute to diabetes development.

In some cases, diabetes causes insomnia. Those who have trouble sleeping may already have diabetes, has a history of diabetes in the family or about to have diabetes.

Studies reveal that for those who lack sleep, their body’s sensitivity to insulin decreases by 25 percent. People who sleep less than 6 hours per night may develop abnormal blood sugar readings in 6 years time than those who sleep longer.

For diabetics, disturbances in sleep are common. Many diabetics are insomniac, have excessive daytime sleepiness and have unpleasant sensations in the legs that disturb sleep.

While diabetes can cause insomnia, how can insomnia cause diabetes? It is when the body’s insulin process diminishes in those who do not get enough sleep.

Good news

The good news is that sleep problems are nearly always treatable, and so are diabetes and insomnia. Usually, you do not need any medicines or surgery to get to sleep, just some simple changes in behavior and habit like eating healthy foods that put us to sleep and exercise.

Prevention – the Best Way to Fight Diabetes and Cancer

It is always good news for everyone that even the world’s most dreadful diseases can be avoided through prevention before they ever happen. Prevention is the best way to fight diabetes and cancer. All the hassles, fears and anxiety of having cancer is nothing if we prevent of having it in our body in the first place.

Prevention can be easy if we are willing to do it. Just keep in mind that it is simple and non-complicated. Yet, it is the best way to fight both diabetes and cancer. For those who already have diabetes, they still can stay healthy if they consistently live a healthy lifestyle and still can prevent cancer. Furthermore, diabetics are trying to discipline themselves to live a healthy life everyday. Cancer prevention can come just easy.

Cancers that are behavioral are easy to prevent, an example of which is smoking and drinking. Choosing not to smoke or drink alcohol greatly lower the risk of many types of cancer – like mouth, throat, lung and liver cancer. Even if you are a currently smoking, quitting can still significantly reduce your chances of getting cancer. It is a one of the prevention anyone can do to fight diabetes and cancer.

We can all avoid skin cancer by keeping away from the direct rays of the sun. We can do so by protecting ourselves with a shirt, a hat or staying in the shade. Skin cancer prevention can mean to use sunscreens. Sunscreens are not expensive and easy to apply. Yet they are one of the simplest and best ways to fight cancer of the skin.

Food and diet

Diet is known to play a significant role in prevention of type 2 diabetes by reducing one of the major risk factors, obesity.

Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA)

Healthy food and diet are important for prevention of any health problem especially diabetes and cancer. The food we eat is linked to the formation of cancer in our body. Doctors recommend diets which are low in fat. Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains are best to eat everyday.

Fruits and vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables can help a poor diet to be healthy. Vegetables have antioxidants that may help stop or prevent cancers.

Antioxidants such as vitamin C help the body repair itself after an illness or stress. It likewise helps the body be protected from illness in the future. They are a great prevention and the best way to fight cancer Lycopene in tomatoes, for example, help protect your eyes from sight problems.


Some vaccinations are associated with cancer prevention. While healthy food and lifestyle can prevent both diabetes and cancer, vaccination hits cancer prevention more. This includes vaccination for the human papillomavirus which is related to cervical cancer. Vaccines for hepatitis B prevent the Hepatitis B virus, that can cause cancer in the liver.


Systematic screenings are very effective to detect small tumor irregularities as early as possible even if symptoms are still not present. Mammograms, pap smears, breast self-examination and testicular self-examination are very effective screening methods to detect cancers early so early treatment can also be applied.

When Diabetes Causes Cancer: Important Facts to Know

General knowledge tells us how cancer works and how deadly it is. For diabetics, there can be a possibility when diabetes causes cancer and cancer can be an additional threat. It is an important fact to know how it can happen. As prevention is the best way to avoid it, more cancer information is highly essential.

How diabetes causes cancer

Diabetes and cancer are two overwhelming diagnoses not only to patients but for clinicians as well. One of the important facts to know is that an average of 12% of people with cancer have diabetes. Both diabetes and cancer pose a dreadful challenge for the clinicians to care for their patients.

While diabetes increased by about 30% during the 1990s with the ageing population having obesity as a prevalent issue. Connecting diabetes to cancer becomes more alarming.

Researches have found out that diabetes causes chronic liver disease that can lead to liver cancer. Liver cancer incidence happens twice with people who are diabetics than those who are not. Cancer of the liver caused by diabetes is most likely more dangerous since it usually goes undetected until becomes severe.

Diabetes causes cancer most likely in the liver and pancreas. Also one of the most important facts to know is that pancreatic cancer likewise causes diabetes. About 80% of patients with cancer in the pancreas also are diabetics.

Studies found that some drug treatments for diabetes can lead to pancreatitis especially to diabetics who are taking the drugs for a long time. Some diabetes drugs cause abnormalities in the pancreas. It is important to consult your physician when taking diabetes drug treatments and discuss about their possible side effects.

Cancer causes

Other than diabetes, cancer can occur due to several factors like Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA), genes and carcinogens. While the possibility of the fact that diabetes causes cancer, DNA function is also one of the most important facts to know about cancer occurrence.

There are 4 DNA genes which responsibly manage the cell division process. One are oncogenes which schedule the division of the cells; second are the tumor suppressor genes who tell cells when not to divide, a thing that keeps the cells in control. The third DNA cells are the suicide genes which advise the cell to kill itself when something goes wrong; and fourth-repair genes which instruct a cell to repair a damaged DNA.

In contrast, when a cells’ gene mutation stop these 4 DNA genes, then cancer occurs. Cancer inhibits the function of oncogene and tumor suppressor, resulting to uncontrollable cell growth and correct DNA damage. Knowing that diabetes causes cancer does not mean that non-diabetics are safe from cancer. Indeed, these are important facts to know about this deadly ailment.

Cancer can also be the cause of a genetic situation that is inherited from the family members. A fault in a gene can make someone develop cancer in later life.

DNA can also be damaged by substances called carcinogens. These substances promote and help cancer. Examples of these are arsenic, asbestos, tobacco, radiation like x-rays and gamma, the sun and compounds in car exhaust fumes. When the body is exposed to carcinogens, free radicals can be formed and these in turn steal electrons from the body’s other molecules. The cells are damaged by free radicals and affect their ability to normally function.

While diabetes causes cancer, and DNA, genes and carcinogens, additional important facts to know is age.

As we age, mutations in the DNA that can cause cancer shall incrase. So are viruses such as human papilloma virus (which causes cervical cancer), hepatitis B (causes liver cancer), Epstein-Barr (causes childhood cancer), HIV and others which weaken the immune system.

Exercise Obstacles: Why Some Diabetics Do Not Exercise

You may be one of them having exercise obstacles, people with diabetes who need exercise badly enough to stay healthy. Yet why diabetics do not exercise? They hate to go through an exercise program because of some exercise obstacles. There can be reasons why they do not exercise no matter how countless the benefits are.


One of the major exercise obstacles is lack of motivation. Diabetics do not exercise because they are not motivated. Like anything else, motivation starts in the mind. The absence of motivation can be a big reason why diabetics do not exercise. If people are too busy, they are less motivated to exercise too. They find exercise grueling and boring since it is not their priority.

The best way to exercise is to start the motivation within your self. Otherwise, every fact in the world is of no use. Make the motivation happen every day. If you believe in the exercise benefits, you will surely have a million reasons to go on the physical activity. The hardest part is getting started.

Being part of a group fitness can get rid off the boredom, discard exercise obstacles and contributes to motivation. Some diabetics do not exercise because they feel alone. If you are diabetic, try playing games, using exercise TVs or videos or exercising at home.

Other reasons why diabetics do not exercise

While others enjoy exercise, others hate it. Some of the reasons why diabetics do not exercise are: frequent quitting, doing too much exercise too soon or fear of excessive exercise, confused where to get started, bored of the common machines to use like treadmill or soreness which happens to beginners.

The above reasons can be countered by trying various types of training to make it interesting. Having a trainer is also one. Exercise obstacles are nothing if you are determined to do it consistently.

Some diabetics do not exercise because they need a doctor’s or a trainer’s constant guidance. As much as possible, be coachable and avoid skipping your exercise routines. If a gym membership is too expensive, go for less expensive like local community groups, YMCA or company gyms. This can get rid of your exercise obstacles. Much better if you try running or walking yourself or do workouts at home.

One of the major reasons why people do not exercise is when they do not see improvements in their body and think the efforts are useless. The fact is, results cannot come out quickly. It can take up about 12 weeks before improvements are felt in you. Exercise obstacles? Get rid off them.

Do not be one of those diabetics who do not exercise. After all, it’s for your own good. Just be consistent in achieving your realistic goals. For the meantime, focus on the present benefits of exercise. You need them like any other human being.

Go healthy!

How Diabetics Can Benefit From Exercise

Exercise is good for everyone which benefits have been proven by many. For diabetics, exercise is far better than anyone may need. They can benefit from exercise if they do it consistently. People with diabetes who regularly exercise lessen their body’s need for medication by about 20%.

Blood sugar level control

We know for a fact that diabetics have blood sugar level control issue. They can benefit from exercise since exercise can decrease insulin resistance. As the body’s source of energy, glucose is utilized to the max if physical activity happens.

Muscles burn the body’s sugar during exercise for the fuel to power the body’s movements. This certainly decreases the amount of blood sugar in the body. The more vigorous the exercise, the more benefit there can be.

For type 2 diabetics, exercise can increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin. The body will be used to needing less insulin to push sugars into the body’s cells. The need for insulin shall be decreased to a normal level.

Heart matters

Diabetics can benefit from exercise with regards to cardiovascular issues. We know that one of the most important benefits of exercise is that it improves risk factors. Diabetic people as well as high blood pressure are at double risk to develop heart problems. Definitely, exercise can be of big help to lower that risk.

Improving the flow of the blood through the body makes your heart happy. At the same time, the heart’s pumping strength or pumping power (or simply the ability of the heart to pump) improves with exercise.

Remember that people with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk to heart diseases such as stroke, heart attack and hardening of the arteries.

Exercise can help increase the heart and lung fitness by lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol or triglyceride. That alone is good enough for diabetics to benefit from exercise. At the same time, it increases HDL or good cholesterol.

People who exercise regularly improve their positive attitude and increase a sense of well-being. As a result, they improve the quality of their lives.

Regular exercise can help maintain a healthy Body Mass Index or BMI. It can help overweight or obese people lose weight, a crucial factor for people with diabetes.

Dialysis – A Good Kidney Function Substitute

Dialysis is an unwanted treatment. No one wants to have it as much as possible. However, it is invented to maintain the body’s health even if the kidneys are not doing its job anymore. With dialysis, many lives have been prolonged.

When a person needs dialysis

What is dialysis? People who have to undergo dialysis in a regular basis are seriously sick. Dialysis is an effective treatment for a kidney who fails to perform its functions. When a kidney fails, it is a serious thing. Many cause kidney failure, one of which is diabetes.

No one can value his health more than a person who gets sick. Kidney failures and dialysis treatment is one of the most excruciating life experiences. As much as possible, people do not want to come to the point of needing dialysis since it shall be a continuous process.

That means, it shall be a continuous expense. How these patients wish they can turn back time and be more watchful of maintaining their health.

What is dialysis?

Dialysis comes from the Greek word “dialusis”, meaning “dissolution”. Dia is “through” and loosening is “lysis”. Dialysis works the kidneys’ job to diffuse solutes and filter fluids. It removes excess water and wastes from the blood.

In dialysis, blood flows at one side of a semi-permeable membrane while a dialysate (dialysis fluid), flows at the opposite. The membrane is a thin layer of material containing various pores or holes. Smaller solutes pass through the membrane, but the membrane does not allow passage of larger substances like large proteins, red blood cells, etc.

Kidney functions

As any body organ, kidneys have highly significant function in maintaining our health. They help balance water and minerals inside the body. That is what dialysis is trying to duplicate. Kidneys likewise exit the byproducts of metabolism which cannot go out from the body through respiration and perspiration.

Though dialysis is not a perfect substitute for kidney functions, it can be a very good supportive measure until a kidney transplant is performed or if a transplant is not applicable for a patient.

Patients usually get tired after dialysis and lose the whole day after each session since they cannot do anything else but rest or sleep.

Diabetes In Young People - When Your Kids Are Hit

It might not be a seeming possibility, but diabetes can be present in young adults and your kids can be one of them. Many are think that young people have nothing to fear with regards to food intake and physical activities since their bodies can always stay healthy. However, health regimen should start at an early stage. As parents, it is important to help the young ones develop the habit that contribute to a healthy body which can be they way of life as they grow.

Diabetes, this dreadful silent killer not only hit adults but young people – even your kids, as well. Malfunction of the pancreas to produce insulin can happen to anyone anytime. Childhood diabetes occurs commonly in type 1. `
Type 1 diabetes, is a disease that is autoimmune. Autoimmune means the immune system attacks an organ or a tissue. Type 1 diabetes means the cells in the pancreas which function is to produce insulin, are being attacked and destroyed.
Studies shows that 3 per 100,000 kids in Japan has type 1 diabetes. 17 per 100,00 in England, 43 per 100,00 in Finland and 25 per 100,00 in Scotland. But the recent years reveal there’s an increase in these figures since obesity becomes a trend in society.

Causes of childhood diabetes
As with anyone, diabetes occurs in children without exact reasons. There is a big probability that it might be triggered by the kid’s environment or by genes. Note though that most of the young people who have type 1 diabetes do not have it in their family history.

Signs, symptoms and treatment
Diabetes can be possibly present if one feels frequent thirst, urination, tiredness and weight loss. Headaches, tummy pains and behavioral problems are common in diabetic kids.
Insulin treatment is the most common cure of childhood diabetes. This is followed by glucose control and avoiding low blood glucose attacks.

How can parents help
We know that prevention is always better than cure. Before diabetes happens to children, parents should already restrict diet, regular exercise (which can lower blood sugar) and control their kids’ activities.
Diet can be 3 main meals and 2 to 3 snacks. It is suggested that the whole family eats the same meals since a good diet is for everyone, not just for diabetics.
When your child has diabetes, these things must be followed more strictly in the family. If the diabetic kid already knows how his body responds to treatment, moderate sweets can be possible.
It is suggested that parents of diabetic kids know the signs of diabetic acidosis and low blood glucose; can administer insulin injections, see the doctor regularly and inform the family, school and friends about diabetes symptoms and attacks. Having more knowledge on diabetes can be challenging and requires a lot of patience, but it is worth it for the benefit of your kids and your family.
Looking at a long-range, diabetic children have possible longer lives than diabetic adults. If regulated properly, diabetes is not life-threatening to its young victims.
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