Thursday, February 17, 2011

How are Diabetics Affected by Cold Climate?

Though it is said that many type 1 diabetics develop the illness during cold climates or winter rather than during hot or summer days especially with the white race or Caucasians, there are studies who revealed that in Sardinia, the risk of diabetes is similarly high. Sardinia is an island in the warm Mediterranean close to Italy. Thus, it opposes the concept that cold climate is a risk factor for the development of diabetes.

Weather or climate either hot or cold does not affect diabetics directly, but indirectly. Blood glucose levels does not fluctuate with hot or cold climates, but it does affect on the diabetics health habits such as eating and exercise.

Healthy eating and exercise are two of the best ways to stay healthy with people who are having diabetes. These habits though can be influenced by how hot and cold the temperature is.

Likewise, bad or cold weather can lead to anxiety and depression which can affect management of blood sugar levels.

How cold weather affects diabetics

Exercise is essential for diabetics since it can take up glucose or sugar from the bloodstream. However, can you still exercise with cold weather? Diabetics cannot afford to sacrifice exercise because of cold climates.

Exercise beneficial effects last only 24 to 72 hours, so it is important that diabetics must do it regularly for a continuous process of muscles drawing sugar from the blood. Blood sugar should not wait for the cold weather to be warm lest it will adversely affect the entire body.
On the other hand, braving with wet or cold climate is not recommended for people with diabetes. There is a possibility that frostbite and wet feet can get abrasions or blisters due to reduced circulation and sensation. Low or bad circulation can make the healing process slower and the wound is prone to infection.

Exercise in cold weather

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that diabetics can do exercise even during winter or cold climates. Exercise to be healthy, does not need to really do it outdoors.

First, consult your physician or healthcare provider on your type and time of exercise, especially if you do this for the first time. Indoor exercise can be walking at the mall, swimming in the pool, exercise in a gym or a health club. Exercising at home or doing house works is also very effective like mopping, vacuuming, dusting or doing laundry with music can be equally enjoyable and effective.

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