Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Diabetics Can Benefit From Exercise

Exercise is good for everyone which benefits have been proven by many. For diabetics, exercise is far better than anyone may need. They can benefit from exercise if they do it consistently. People with diabetes who regularly exercise lessen their body’s need for medication by about 20%.

Blood sugar level control

We know for a fact that diabetics have blood sugar level control issue. They can benefit from exercise since exercise can decrease insulin resistance. As the body’s source of energy, glucose is utilized to the max if physical activity happens.

Muscles burn the body’s sugar during exercise for the fuel to power the body’s movements. This certainly decreases the amount of blood sugar in the body. The more vigorous the exercise, the more benefit there can be.

For type 2 diabetics, exercise can increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin. The body will be used to needing less insulin to push sugars into the body’s cells. The need for insulin shall be decreased to a normal level.

Heart matters

Diabetics can benefit from exercise with regards to cardiovascular issues. We know that one of the most important benefits of exercise is that it improves risk factors. Diabetic people as well as high blood pressure are at double risk to develop heart problems. Definitely, exercise can be of big help to lower that risk.

Improving the flow of the blood through the body makes your heart happy. At the same time, the heart’s pumping strength or pumping power (or simply the ability of the heart to pump) improves with exercise.

Remember that people with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk to heart diseases such as stroke, heart attack and hardening of the arteries.

Exercise can help increase the heart and lung fitness by lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol or triglyceride. That alone is good enough for diabetics to benefit from exercise. At the same time, it increases HDL or good cholesterol.

People who exercise regularly improve their positive attitude and increase a sense of well-being. As a result, they improve the quality of their lives.

Regular exercise can help maintain a healthy Body Mass Index or BMI. It can help overweight or obese people lose weight, a crucial factor for people with diabetes.

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