Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Smoking Is Really Dangerous To Your Health

It’s a general knowledge, smoking is dangerous to the health. Why do people still smoke? Why is the cigarette business still lucrative? Why should people, aware of its risk still do it? Have smoking good effects too?

People are aware of smoking’s disadvantages over the advantages. It is a strong addiction. That is why it is a very difficult habit to break. Even if many know that smoking KILLS. They still risk their health, their family, career and their entire life for smoking.

Reasons why people smoke

Young people smoke to experiment. Smoking is forbidden in some communities. Teenagers are curious to smoke to find out why it is forbidden. It adds to excitement when they do it without being caught. They feel great and somewhat powerful.

Some resort to smoking due to peer pressure, or to be like their friends. They do not want to be different and not accepted. They do not regard their health. Some smoke because they see their elders do so and it makes them look mature. They feel smoking completes their manhood. Many parents who realize this stop smoking earlier so as not to set a bad example to their kids.

Adults smoke because of pressure. They find it so relaxing and energy-giving. Smoking also lessens somebody’s weight since smoking can lose appetite.

Therefore, the major advantages of smoking adults see is to feel relax and stay fit.

Harmful effects of smoking

Read a lot about health and you will see smoking as one of the major culprits of health problems. Smokers usually die in middle age than non-smokers. Cigarettes are major cancer contributors. It also causes heart attacks, hypertension, limbs amputation, emphysema and even death.

Sickness and death create problems to somebody’s life, career, friends and especially family. Knowing the harmful effects of smoking and still smoke are common to people who take drugs abusively, or who lack love for themselves or they might love their families less. Most likely, they are people who lack zest in life.

Why is smoking addictive

Nicotine makes smoking addictive. It is regarded as one of the toughest stimulants. It stimulates some receptors in the brain which in turn cause the release of dopamine while smoking. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter associated with addiction and pleasure. Nicotine likewise influences the control of mood, memory and energy level, thus is not good for the health. The brain gets used to having nicotine inside so that when one quits smoking, they will have withdrawal symptoms.

Quitting for life

Smoking is addictive. It is very hard to quit. But if you are determined, it is doable. Here are some tips to quit smoking.

First, set a specific date.

Second, keep yourself busy. List the times when you are likely to smoke. It is when you are stressed or pressured., drinking, get bored., when driving or with friends. Then busy yourself during these times so you would have something to do and forget about smoking. Example, drink tea instead of coffee. Tea shooes away the urge to smoke and is healthy. Or intentionally avoid these scenarios. Avoid visiting friends that drink and smoke.

Third. Make it known to your co-workers, friends and family that you quit smoking. They can help remind you and be your motivators.

Fourth. Motivate yourself. Develop more your self-love and self-importance. After which feel how important your family and friends to you. Imagine how much time and chance you will lost having them.

And the best to quit smoking is to never try at all.

Since smoking is a personal issue, only those who smoke can really make themselves quit. Factors surrounding them are just contributing ones. The decision to quit smoking for the sake of health, self and family, starts with the concerned person - the main player and the decision and determination to quit smoking for a healthy self and body starts with them.

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