Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Daily Healthy Foods for a Healthy Body

We are aware that foods to avoid are junk foods, fast foods and comfort foods. On the other hand, there are healthy foods that are disease-fighting, delicious and diet-friendly that we can eat everyday to give us a healthy body and make us feel good and look good. They are the foods that can help prevent illness and can make you energized and stronger. Check them out.

Foods we can take everyday

Oats. Oats are good for the abdomen and are heart-disease-prevention potential. Their soluble fiber protects the body from heart disease and can lower blood cholesterol level.

Nutty About Omega-3s. Walnuts are richer than salmon when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for the heart. Loaded with phytochemicals (polyphenols which are anti-inflammatory) than red wine, they have protein as much as chicken and thus listed as one of the healthy foods we can take everyday for a healthy body. Try peanuts, almonds, soy nuts, macademia nuts and pistachios. They usually prevent the potential of heart disease.

Black beans for brain power. Black beans have lots of anthocyanins – anti-oxidants that enhance brain function. Most beans are low-calorie and do not contribute to artery-clogging. Thus, they have nothing to do with saturated fat which contributes heart disease. You may also like these beans: pease, kidney, pinto, fava and lentils.

Carrots. Best known for fighting cancer, carrots contain vitamin A and beta-carotene. These are fat-soluble phytochemicals which help protect against cancer and inflammatory diseases like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Tomatoes for a healthy heart. Tomatoes are one of the best healthy foods for a healthy body. They are known for containing lycopene are better in cancer-protection when cooked than raw. Indulge more on tomato pastes and sauces. Red tomatoes have most lycopene, the antioxidant that protects against heart disease as well as bladder, stomach, prostate, skin and lung cancers.

Chili peppers. Chili peppers have capsaicin – a nutrient that is anti-inflammatory and helps clean the blood of toxins and mucus. Capsaicin also fights ulcers, prevent prostate cancer, improve circulation, ease up the supply of oxygen to your cells and can keep you in top shape so you shall have a high level of performance. Thanks for this one of the healthy foods we usually overlook. Maintain a healthy body even if you are occupied and always functioning. Even if your stomach is weak because of a high level of stress in your life. Keep your body ablazed with chili peppers. It can help you avoid painful stomach problems and maintain a healthy body.

Anti-oxidants fruits

Blueberries. Blueberries are usually called the miracle fruit because they have more antioxidants than any fruit. They help prevent diabetes, cancer and age-related memory loss. They also contribute to a healthy heart. Try these too: strawberries, purple grapes, raisins and prunes.

Kiwi fruit for vitamin C. If you are stressed out, travel a lot or lack sleep, you might weaken your immune system. Eat kiwi to get more vitamin C. Kiwi is part of the the healthy foods list. Its vitamin C helps the immune system improved and gives us a healthy body. It is the primary anti-oxidant that protects the body from illnesses and prevents asthma, dry coughs and other respiratory illness. Eating kiwi fruit once a day helps prevent blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. Kiwis can be good substitutes of aspirin since they prevent clotting in the vessels that supply blood to the heart and brain.

Taking these foods can help one feel more resilient and stronger. Taking them every single day is a good healthy habit to develop.

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