Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Foods for Thoughts – Boosting Your Memory and Brain Health

Being forgetful

If you have very low memory and have inflicted much damage to your life because of it, you might as well do something. Being forgetful is not funny. It can cause a lot of time wastage to you and to the people around you. Check your brain health and do something to improve it.

The cells in our body need some nutrients and oxygen to work properly and stay alive. The brain cells are no exemptions. As nutrients and oxygen are carried in the blood stream, any obstacle of the blood flow will deprive the brain cells, thus healthy heart makes a healthy brain.

Healthful activities

Optimal brain health and memory is contributed by cholesterol level and blood pressure. Take necessary measures to bring cholesterol and blood pressure down and regulated to boost your memory. Eat healthy and exercise regularly. These can contribute much to maintaining brain health.

Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can interfere with memory. People who lack sleep are most likely irritable, get angry fast and lose patience easily.

Exercise. Aim for at least 30 minutes of regular exercise everyday. It is shown that it decreases the possibility of having Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Keep your brain active. Challenge your brain with mental exercises. Get your brain used to think of productive ideas.

Don’t smoke. Smoking can cause brain damage as it cause heart diseases.

Take a break. Find ways to relieve yourself from stress. Pamper yourself by visiting massage parlors, saunas, spas, salons and other relaxing places. Aside from bringing goodness to your memory and brain health, they can bring good to you too, physically.

Foods for thoughts

There are several foods that contribute to brain health and powerful memory. Memory-boosting foods like some vegetables, fruits, fish and grains are very much available for our consumption. Here are the foods to take to increase brain health and boost memory.

Some vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, collard and mustard greens and spinach.

Cherries, berries (all varieties), plums, red onion, black currents, red beets, grapes, eggplant, red apples and, red, black, and purple grapes. Also in the list are kale, cherry tomato, leeks, apricots, Red, yellow or white onions.

Foods with folic acid are known to be memory boosters and brain health contributors. Folic acid foods are black-eyed peas, whole-grain breakfast cereals, soybeans, wheat germ, green peas and oranges.

Eating fish helps too! We should eat fish at least once a week to keep a slow decline of memory. People who eat fish regularly most likely have better thinking ability than a person who is 3 years younger.

Notice that most foods listed are colored purple or red. It is because the phytochemical that colors them is the same phytochemical that is good for the brain. Remember to include them in your daily diet to help you remember easily.

Leading a healthy lifestyle and taking good food for the memory and brain health are very effective ways for us to get rid of forgetfulness and sharpen our brains as well. Then, we shall be ready to face, enjoy and move on with dear life.

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