Thursday, May 20, 2010

University of Redlands – The Greenest of Green

A California business school

Just moved in to California? If you are eyeing to earn a university degree – either you want to get a bachelors degree, get a business degree or simply planning for a continued education, choose the top university in California – the Redlands University.

Redlands alone is known as a green bright oasis in the east of Los Angeles dry lands. Rich in culture and heritage, it is a community south of California. The University of Redlands, with its palm-filled streets, big green lawns, beautiful green scenery and red-tiled buildings in serene ambiance are most conducive to learning, making it the best California university that tops in the Forbes list.


An independent, private university of sciences and liberal arts which is founded in 1907, University of Redlands is committed to provide a personalized education to its students to enable them to have enlightened choices. The school focuses on curricular diversity, academic rigor and innovative teaching. Education in Redlands goes beyond academic and training. It gives the students more understanding of the world. Redland’s type of education transcends from knowledge to meaning and from information to insight, developing students to become responsible citizens and commit themselves to a lifetime of learning.

This beautiful 140-acres university in Los Angeles offers academic programs with extensive interdisciplinary programs. With a commitment to teaching, its faculty and student ratio is 1-14, which composes small classes that give personal attention to each student. This Southern California university was among the first to offer programs for the working adults. Currently, Redlands University offers an MBA online program to help even the busiest people get a masters degree.

Religious influence

Karl C. Wells, a member of the American Baptist Church, with which this Inland Empire College was associated when it was founded, donated the lot. Redlands University required church attendance of all its students when it maintained its religious orientation. After 1972 however, this Los Angeles university was already independent but still has a relationship with the American Baptist Churches USA.

For more information about University of Redlands and Inland Empire College, check on and

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Foods for Thoughts – Boosting Your Memory and Brain Health

Being forgetful

If you have very low memory and have inflicted much damage to your life because of it, you might as well do something. Being forgetful is not funny. It can cause a lot of time wastage to you and to the people around you. Check your brain health and do something to improve it.

The cells in our body need some nutrients and oxygen to work properly and stay alive. The brain cells are no exemptions. As nutrients and oxygen are carried in the blood stream, any obstacle of the blood flow will deprive the brain cells, thus healthy heart makes a healthy brain.

Healthful activities

Optimal brain health and memory is contributed by cholesterol level and blood pressure. Take necessary measures to bring cholesterol and blood pressure down and regulated to boost your memory. Eat healthy and exercise regularly. These can contribute much to maintaining brain health.

Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can interfere with memory. People who lack sleep are most likely irritable, get angry fast and lose patience easily.

Exercise. Aim for at least 30 minutes of regular exercise everyday. It is shown that it decreases the possibility of having Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Keep your brain active. Challenge your brain with mental exercises. Get your brain used to think of productive ideas.

Don’t smoke. Smoking can cause brain damage as it cause heart diseases.

Take a break. Find ways to relieve yourself from stress. Pamper yourself by visiting massage parlors, saunas, spas, salons and other relaxing places. Aside from bringing goodness to your memory and brain health, they can bring good to you too, physically.

Foods for thoughts

There are several foods that contribute to brain health and powerful memory. Memory-boosting foods like some vegetables, fruits, fish and grains are very much available for our consumption. Here are the foods to take to increase brain health and boost memory.

Some vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, collard and mustard greens and spinach.

Cherries, berries (all varieties), plums, red onion, black currents, red beets, grapes, eggplant, red apples and, red, black, and purple grapes. Also in the list are kale, cherry tomato, leeks, apricots, Red, yellow or white onions.

Foods with folic acid are known to be memory boosters and brain health contributors. Folic acid foods are black-eyed peas, whole-grain breakfast cereals, soybeans, wheat germ, green peas and oranges.

Eating fish helps too! We should eat fish at least once a week to keep a slow decline of memory. People who eat fish regularly most likely have better thinking ability than a person who is 3 years younger.

Notice that most foods listed are colored purple or red. It is because the phytochemical that colors them is the same phytochemical that is good for the brain. Remember to include them in your daily diet to help you remember easily.

Leading a healthy lifestyle and taking good food for the memory and brain health are very effective ways for us to get rid of forgetfulness and sharpen our brains as well. Then, we shall be ready to face, enjoy and move on with dear life.

Foods to Avoid Everyday – Unhealthy Foods that Bring More Harm than Good

There are the foods to avoid everyday, unhealthy foods that we should not eat. Ban them from our list for they can adversely affect our health in many ways. Here is a list.

Canned Tomatoes. Tomatoes are good if they are in glass bottles or in tetra pak boxes. Canned tomatoes has bisphenol in its resin linings. Bisphenol is a synthetic estrogen that is associated with ailments like diabetes, obesity and heart diseases. Another thing is that bisphenol suppresses sperm production among men.

Beef that are fed with corn. Cattles supposedly eat grass. But today, farmers feed them with soybeans or corn that expedite their growing and slaughter. More money for the farmers and less nutrition for the consumers. Cattles which eat grass are higher in beta-carotene, omega 3s, calcium, vitamin E, potassium and magnesium. They are indeed are foods to avoid everyday since they are unhealthy foods. Buy grass-fed cattles instead of corn-fed ones.

Microwave popcorn. Chemicals vaporize during microwaving and will migrate into your popcorn. They then will stay in your body for long, accumulate and may cause cancer. Included in these chemicals is PFOA or perfluorooctanoic acid in the bag’s lining. PFOA is linked to infertility and cancer in the liver, pancreas and testicles. Make popcorns in the old-fashioned way. Not in microwaves.

Nonorganic Potatoes. Root vegetables like potatoes absorb pesticides, herbicides and fungicides that are in soil. Potatoes are treated with fungicides to grow, sprayed with herbicides to kill vines before the harvest and treated again to prevent them from sprouting. They are dreadingly foods to avoid since the chemicals applied to them have turned them to be unhealthy foods. Washing is not enough to remove the chemicals in them. Buy organic potatoes if you can.

Farmed Salmon. Farmed salmon is higher in contaminants including carcinogens, pesticides and brominated flame retardants. They are crammed into poultry litter, pens, fed soy and chicken feathers and already lower in vitamin D. This can be linked to obesity and diabetes. These fishes are treated with much pesticides and antibiotics and you are likely to get the same dose when you eat them. Go for wild-caught salmon instead.

Milk produced with artificial hormones. Milk-producing cattles give humans foods to avoid. These cattles are being treated with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) to enhance milk production. However, this growth hormone makes their milk already categorized in the unhealthy foods list since it contributes to colon, breast and prostate cancers to humans who take them. Go for organic milk which are rBGH-free.

Conventional apples. Apples are the most treated fruits. They are sprayed with chemicals and pesticides frequently. Avoid these apples and buy organic ones, or at least wash and peel them first.

Caffeine. Avoid black tea, cola drinks, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, soft drinks and others which contain caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and can increase brain activity, heart rate and respiratory rate. Caffeine-containing foods are foods to avoid like soft drinks, chocolate, cocoa and coffee for they are unhealthy foods that bring adverse effects in our body. Caffeine is addictive, and can increase irritability, anxiety, mood swings and can cause jittery and a feeling of being tired. It can speed up the loss of zinc, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B & C in the body.

Alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant. Though it relaxes the drinker, gives tranquilizing effects, remove inhibitions, improve congeniality, appetite and blood circulation; it is harmful when taken excessively, which most people do. Alcohol impairs physical coordination and reflexes, slows down physical processes, acuity and mental alertness. In women, menopausal periods get worse when there is an intake of alcohol. It causes heavy menstrual bleeding, breast disease, uterus tumors; therefore is part of the foods to avoid program.

Alcohol, an irritant is ever considered falling in the unhealthy foods category. In fact, the liver cannot convert alcohol to glucose. Thus, resulting to the presence of increased fat in the liver. Alcohol increases the enzyme level of the liver, leading to inflammation, hepatitis or cirrhosis which can be deadly. Furthermore, it irritates the digestive tract, esophagus, small intestines, stomach and pancreas. This can result to diabetes and other illness. It is best not to drink alcohol at all.

Sugar and artificial sweeteners. Sugar is used to serve as sweetening. But when used abusively, it can trigger food cravings, anxiety and blood sugar imbalance that cause diabetes. The very ordinary sugar – white and brown are foods to avoid everyday. They can also cause bulimia, obesity, tooth decay, gum disease and many others and are extremely unhealthy foods. Sources of sugar are soft drinks, sweet drinks, catsup, salad dressing, cakes, candies, ice cream, bread pastries, pasta, etc.

Salt. Salt and its partner monosodium glutamate (MSG), contains sodium. Sodium and potassium help to regulate the water balance of cells. Thus, water is found in areas collected by sodium. An abundance of sodium therefore causes bloating, edema and high blood pressure. It is hard to avoid salt and MSG for they are very prevalent in food preparation or cooking. But they can be substituted with garlic, oregano, garlic and other herbs.

Red meat, eggs, dairy products. These are indeed foods to avoid in our daily serving. Red meat (pork, beef and lamb), eggs and dairy products (milk, cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream) have saturated fats, thus, they are unhealthy foods. Saturated fats cause heart disease, arthritis, obesity and cancer. It can also aggravate tumor, menopause, menstrual bleeding, cysts, fatigue, hypertension, etc.

Margarine. Margarine has been said to substitute butter as a healthy alternative. However, studies revealed that it is not so, since it can also contribute to cardiovascular diseases. These foods are available everywhere and being taken everywhere. Knowing their harmful effects can help us avoid them for the sake of ourselves.

Daily Healthy Foods for a Healthy Body

We are aware that foods to avoid are junk foods, fast foods and comfort foods. On the other hand, there are healthy foods that are disease-fighting, delicious and diet-friendly that we can eat everyday to give us a healthy body and make us feel good and look good. They are the foods that can help prevent illness and can make you energized and stronger. Check them out.

Foods we can take everyday

Oats. Oats are good for the abdomen and are heart-disease-prevention potential. Their soluble fiber protects the body from heart disease and can lower blood cholesterol level.

Nutty About Omega-3s. Walnuts are richer than salmon when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for the heart. Loaded with phytochemicals (polyphenols which are anti-inflammatory) than red wine, they have protein as much as chicken and thus listed as one of the healthy foods we can take everyday for a healthy body. Try peanuts, almonds, soy nuts, macademia nuts and pistachios. They usually prevent the potential of heart disease.

Black beans for brain power. Black beans have lots of anthocyanins – anti-oxidants that enhance brain function. Most beans are low-calorie and do not contribute to artery-clogging. Thus, they have nothing to do with saturated fat which contributes heart disease. You may also like these beans: pease, kidney, pinto, fava and lentils.

Carrots. Best known for fighting cancer, carrots contain vitamin A and beta-carotene. These are fat-soluble phytochemicals which help protect against cancer and inflammatory diseases like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Tomatoes for a healthy heart. Tomatoes are one of the best healthy foods for a healthy body. They are known for containing lycopene are better in cancer-protection when cooked than raw. Indulge more on tomato pastes and sauces. Red tomatoes have most lycopene, the antioxidant that protects against heart disease as well as bladder, stomach, prostate, skin and lung cancers.

Chili peppers. Chili peppers have capsaicin – a nutrient that is anti-inflammatory and helps clean the blood of toxins and mucus. Capsaicin also fights ulcers, prevent prostate cancer, improve circulation, ease up the supply of oxygen to your cells and can keep you in top shape so you shall have a high level of performance. Thanks for this one of the healthy foods we usually overlook. Maintain a healthy body even if you are occupied and always functioning. Even if your stomach is weak because of a high level of stress in your life. Keep your body ablazed with chili peppers. It can help you avoid painful stomach problems and maintain a healthy body.

Anti-oxidants fruits

Blueberries. Blueberries are usually called the miracle fruit because they have more antioxidants than any fruit. They help prevent diabetes, cancer and age-related memory loss. They also contribute to a healthy heart. Try these too: strawberries, purple grapes, raisins and prunes.

Kiwi fruit for vitamin C. If you are stressed out, travel a lot or lack sleep, you might weaken your immune system. Eat kiwi to get more vitamin C. Kiwi is part of the the healthy foods list. Its vitamin C helps the immune system improved and gives us a healthy body. It is the primary anti-oxidant that protects the body from illnesses and prevents asthma, dry coughs and other respiratory illness. Eating kiwi fruit once a day helps prevent blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. Kiwis can be good substitutes of aspirin since they prevent clotting in the vessels that supply blood to the heart and brain.

Taking these foods can help one feel more resilient and stronger. Taking them every single day is a good healthy habit to develop.

Smoking Is Really Dangerous To Your Health

It’s a general knowledge, smoking is dangerous to the health. Why do people still smoke? Why is the cigarette business still lucrative? Why should people, aware of its risk still do it? Have smoking good effects too?

People are aware of smoking’s disadvantages over the advantages. It is a strong addiction. That is why it is a very difficult habit to break. Even if many know that smoking KILLS. They still risk their health, their family, career and their entire life for smoking.

Reasons why people smoke

Young people smoke to experiment. Smoking is forbidden in some communities. Teenagers are curious to smoke to find out why it is forbidden. It adds to excitement when they do it without being caught. They feel great and somewhat powerful.

Some resort to smoking due to peer pressure, or to be like their friends. They do not want to be different and not accepted. They do not regard their health. Some smoke because they see their elders do so and it makes them look mature. They feel smoking completes their manhood. Many parents who realize this stop smoking earlier so as not to set a bad example to their kids.

Adults smoke because of pressure. They find it so relaxing and energy-giving. Smoking also lessens somebody’s weight since smoking can lose appetite.

Therefore, the major advantages of smoking adults see is to feel relax and stay fit.

Harmful effects of smoking

Read a lot about health and you will see smoking as one of the major culprits of health problems. Smokers usually die in middle age than non-smokers. Cigarettes are major cancer contributors. It also causes heart attacks, hypertension, limbs amputation, emphysema and even death.

Sickness and death create problems to somebody’s life, career, friends and especially family. Knowing the harmful effects of smoking and still smoke are common to people who take drugs abusively, or who lack love for themselves or they might love their families less. Most likely, they are people who lack zest in life.

Why is smoking addictive

Nicotine makes smoking addictive. It is regarded as one of the toughest stimulants. It stimulates some receptors in the brain which in turn cause the release of dopamine while smoking. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter associated with addiction and pleasure. Nicotine likewise influences the control of mood, memory and energy level, thus is not good for the health. The brain gets used to having nicotine inside so that when one quits smoking, they will have withdrawal symptoms.

Quitting for life

Smoking is addictive. It is very hard to quit. But if you are determined, it is doable. Here are some tips to quit smoking.

First, set a specific date.

Second, keep yourself busy. List the times when you are likely to smoke. It is when you are stressed or pressured., drinking, get bored., when driving or with friends. Then busy yourself during these times so you would have something to do and forget about smoking. Example, drink tea instead of coffee. Tea shooes away the urge to smoke and is healthy. Or intentionally avoid these scenarios. Avoid visiting friends that drink and smoke.

Third. Make it known to your co-workers, friends and family that you quit smoking. They can help remind you and be your motivators.

Fourth. Motivate yourself. Develop more your self-love and self-importance. After which feel how important your family and friends to you. Imagine how much time and chance you will lost having them.

And the best to quit smoking is to never try at all.

Since smoking is a personal issue, only those who smoke can really make themselves quit. Factors surrounding them are just contributing ones. The decision to quit smoking for the sake of health, self and family, starts with the concerned person - the main player and the decision and determination to quit smoking for a healthy self and body starts with them.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Five More Days To Philippine Elections – Jitters For The Candidates

Elections in the Philippines

5 days more to May 10. As candidates may start to get jitters and more anxious of whether they shall win or not, the key is just do campaign, campaign, campaign. The upcoming elections become the favorite topic for ordinary citizens anywhere nowadays.

We may have different opinions of candidates, different favorites but we do not take it against each other. We discuss whom we favor openly and talk about our favorites bravely. While some prefer candidates with political experience, others prefer to try newbies or non-traditional ones. Others prefer those with excellent family background, others those whose values are tried and tested. Different views…different impressions but one people in one country.

Elections are the same

They say same things and pattern happen every elections – that candidates promise the moon during campaigns, and forget it after winning, I still hope that our beloved country shall have on its helm leaders strong enough to defend it from disintegration, sharp enough to save it from economic downfall and prayerful enough to admit that the All-Powerful God is their source of wisdom to lead the nation fairly.

I still hope that our new leaders can make our country rich to regain our economic rank among Asian nations. These can have a lot factors like improving the peace and order situation, attract more investors and tourists , create more high-paying jobs, etc.

Let us all support each other

Filipinos, known to be peace-loving people wish and pray to have what we expect - peaceful elections. I am pretty sure candidates do aspire that too. Despite speculations that our political system needs improvement since it will imminently tarnish anyone who runs it, I still trust in the core values of the Filipino. That many aspiring candidates still have in their hearts the will to serve their country and their countrymen above anything. Whoever will win, we all shall support them and quickly move on. Our country needs not to be sluggish. There’s a lot of work to do.

May the best and most-deserving candidates win!
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